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Symbolic Violence : Media, surveillance and Gender - Through Bourdieu and Foucault.

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/ MS 워드
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고려대학교 과제입니다


1. Introduction
1) Symbolic Violence and Gender

2. Media and Symbolic Violence
1) How do media depict women?
(1) Gender
(2) Body
(3) How the symbolic violence work?

3. Media and Surveillance
1) Virtual Body and Surveillance
2) Self-discipline and surveillance

4. Conclusion



From a sexist remark to femicide, society employs strong-arm tactics to women in various ways. ‘Various ways’, in here, include the thing from physical to societal, psychological, cultural and so on. Society represented by male want female to behave modestly, do all the household chores, be pretty and sexy at same time. Or they want female not to do ‘something’. Something, for example, can be turning against to the male, having a wild temper, being sexy only in front of their boyfriend. These kinds of action are prevalent in our society, and we also can see it, but nobody think it as problematic thing. It happens implicitly. Thus this is internalized violence.
The French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu(1998) used the term "symbolic violence" to describe how the ideas and values of a ruling cultural class are purposefully imposed(often through subconscious means) onto a dominated social group.

참고 자료

Beauvoir, Simone de., 1989. The second sex. New York : Vintage Books
Bourdieu, P. 1998. La Domination Masculine. Paris: Edition Seuil
Bourdieu, P., 2001. Masculine domination. Stanford University Press, Stanford
Coffey, J,, 2016. Body Work: Youth, Gender and Health. Routledge.
Foucault, M., 1979. Discipline and Punish. New York: Vintage Books.
Gill, R., 2007. European journal of cultural studies, Postfeminist media culture: elements of a sensibility. European journal of cultural studies, 10 (2). pp. 147-166.
Goldman, R., 1992. Reading ads socially. London ; New York, Routledge.
Wening Udasmoro. 2013. Asian journal of social sciences & humanities. Symbolic violence in everyday narrations : gender construction in indonesian television, pp. 155-165.
정유미. 2011. 한국 남성 비만율 사상 최고치. http://news.khan.co.kr/kh_news/khan_art_view.html?artid=201111142209545&code=940601. [Accessed: 1 Dec 2016]
이지수. 2015. [당신의 삶 안녕하십니까] ‘외모 지상주의’에 빠진 20대. http://www.segye.com/content/html/2015/06/03/20150603003732.html. [Accessed: 1 Dec 2016]


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Symbolic Violence : Media, surveillance and Gender - Through Bourdieu and Foucault.
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