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One of the major problems of using nuclear power is that it produces radioactive waste. Radioactive waste generates ‘ionizing radiation' that can harm or destroy living tissues. While radioactive waste is generally classified in three levels, low-level waste, high-level waste and transuranic waste, nuclear power facilities generate usually a high volume of low-level waste and relatively small amounts of high-level waste. The term ‘low-level' indicates that it releases small volume of ionizing radiation for a long time while the term ‘high-level' indicates that it emits intense ionizing radiation for a short time (LeBlanc 3657).‘Low-level' waste does not mean that it is less hazardous to human health.

참고 자료

Carrington, Damian. "Renewable Energy Sources Should Replace Nuclear Power Entirely." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2019. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/TYWXAM103453508/OVIC?u=lakeland_main&sid=OVIC&xid=32afcbe6. Accessed 14 Feb. 2019. Originally published as "Nuclear power is risky and expensive; here’s a better idea," Guardian, 15 Sept. 2016.
Johnsrud, Judith. "Safe Low-Level Radioactive Waste Storage Is Impossible." Garbage and Recycling, edited by Mitchell Young, Greenhaven Press, 2007. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, https://link-galegroup-com.proxy.lakelandcollege.edu/apps/doc/EJ3010301251/OVIC?u=lakeland_main&sid=OVIC&xid=56b6e28b. Accessed 13 Feb. 2019.
LeBlanc, Jennifer. "Radioactive Waste." The Gale Encyclopedia of Science, edited by K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, 5th ed., vol. 7, Gale, 2014, pp. 3657-3659. Gale Virtual Reference Library, https://link-galegroup-com.proxy.lakelandcollege.edu/apps/doc/CX3727802027/GVRL?u=lakeland_main&sid=GVRL&xid=d84d78f8. Accessed 10 Feb. 2019.
Lovins, Amory B., and L. Hunter Lovins. "Nuclear Power Is Inefficient and Dangerous." What Energy Sources Should Be Pursued?, edited by Stuart A. Kallen, Greenhaven Press, 2005. At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, https://link-galegroup-com.proxy.lakelandcollege.edu/apps/doc/EJ3010331207/OVIC?u=lakeland_main&sid=OVIC&xid=e6535bc3. Accessed 13 Feb. 2019. Originally published as "Fuel Cell R&D Is Far from Easy Street," Electronic Engineering Times, 26 May 2003.
Natural Resources Defense Council. "Nuclear Power Is Not a Sound Strategy to Fight Global Warming." Nuclear Power, edited by Lynn M. Zott and Helga Schier, Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, https://link-galegroup-com.proxy.lakelandcollege.edu/apps/doc/EJ3010843221/OVIC?u=lakeland_main&sid=OVIC&xid=27c535e0. Accessed 17 Feb. 2019. Originally published as "Nuclear Facts,", Feb. 2007.
Newton, David E., and Larry Gilman. "Nuclear Power." The Gale Encyclopedia of Science, edited by K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, 5th ed., vol. 6, Gale, 2014, pp. 3069-3073. Gale Virtual Reference Library, https://link-galegroup-com.proxy.lakelandcollege.edu/apps/doc/CX3727801703/GVRL?u=lakeland_main&sid=GVRL&xid=ca76ae71. Accessed 13 Feb. 2019.
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