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REPORT]Reframing the internationalsecurity from feminism IR perspective

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"REPORT]Reframing the internationalsecurity from feminism IR perspective"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Feminism international relations theories and security
3. A critical review of some basic concepts of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security
4. Suggestion: New way to sustainable security from the feminist perspective
5. Conclusion


The UN Security Council Resolution 1325(SCR 1325) was the first breakthrough footstep for the UN and international society to reckon seriously the interrelation between women, peace and security and the importance of adding women to the discussion in the realm of international security. It was the outcome of the collective efforts of international non-governmental organizations’ movements and feminists who take a worldwide action for making security from gender perspective main issue. SCR 1325 has been influencing in many ways since the passage of the resolution.
Feminism international relations(IR) theories have been accumulating achievements in the study of international politics and many scholars are showing interests in those theories. Nevertheless, there is also a tendency to regard feminism IR theories as marginalized and limited studying area. The argument of feminism IR is still developing among feminists and treated as women’s special needs.

참고 자료

Deepika Bahri, “Feminism and Postcolonialism in a Global and Local Frame”, Graduate Institute
Publications, 2009
Hoang Young-ju, 『Gender and World Politics』, Institute of international studies, SNU, 2013
Jill Steans, “Engaging from the margins: feminist encounters with the ‘mainstream’ of International
Relations”, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2003.
Laura Sjoberg, 『Gender And International Security』, Routledge, 2010
Maria Jansson and Maud Eduards, “The politics of gender in the UN Security Council resolutions on women, peace and security,” International Feminist Journal of Politics 18, no.4 (2016): 590-604
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