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is anticolonial thought of any relevance in a postcolonial age?

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"is anticolonial thought of any relevance in a postcolonial age?"에 대한 내용입니다.




Where the postcolonial age means the period following the end of formal European colonialism, colonial thought has continued to inform foreign policy, some countries and institutions still engage in colonial practices, and the lingering effects of colonialism are still being felt today, sometimes manifested in forms as extreme as transnational armed conflict. Anticolonial thought can, or at the least seeks to, address the mentalities and material conditions born out of colonialism which allow for numerous wars fought or aggressive foreign policy to be carried out and so is of relevance in a postcolonial age. This essay will begin by demonstrating how former colonial empires have maintained power relations which existed during the colonial age through international institutions. The following two paragraphs will explore how colonial attitudes have persisted and continue to influence foreign policy.

참고 자료

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is anticolonial thought of any relevance in a postcolonial age?
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