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Can states form a collective identity through participation in institutions? Example of the European region and the European Union

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"Can states form a collective identity through participation in institutions? Example of the European region and the European Union"에 대한 내용입니다.




Constructivism is one of the most influential approaches to international relations theory, that has been drawing a huge attention of the theorists since 1980s. Revolutionary thought of constructivists is that the world and how we perceive it are socially constructed, so dependent on people’s interpretations or even their language (Adler 2002, p.96). It highlights the fact that beliefs, norms and values play a crucial role in the construction of reality and therefore emphasize social dimensions of international relations. Constructivist approach, having roots in sociological institutionalism, emphasizes the importance of international organizations and looks at them from a different perspective than both realist and neo-liberal approaches. Institutions are considered not merely as a way which helps states cooperate and overcome obstacles, but what is crucial, who construct the social world. They are not only a part of the structure, but the agents themselves

참고 자료

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Can states form a collective identity through participation in institutions? Example of the European region and the European Union
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