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특수 콘크리트(Special Concrete) 특성 및 각 배합비 예시-최종 레포트

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최종 저작일
33페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 4,500원 할인쿠폰받기

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특수 콘크리트에 대한 시방서를 영어로 번역하고, 각종 특성및 종합하여, 특수콘크리트에 대하여 조사하는 과제 레포트 제출물입니다. 각 특수콘크리트에 따라 배합비를 다 찾아서 첨부해놓았으며, 완전히 폰트나 글자 크기는 통일이 전부 다는 안되었지만, 거의 잘 정리했습니다.
배합비는 구글링하여 하나하나 찾아서 각 목차 종류별 말미에 다 있으니, 과제 제출 그대로 다듬어서 하셔도 되고, 참고하여 공부하셔도될것같습니다. 감사합니다~


I. Introduction

II. Difference between Ordinary and Special Concrete

III. Special Concrete

IV. The characteristics and application of the types of Special Concrete
1. Mass(weight)
1) Light-weight Concrete (경량(골재)콘크리트)
i. Introduction
ii. Quality
iii. Materials and Mixing
iv. Construction Methods and Countermeasures
2) heavy-weight Concrete (중량 콘크리트)
i. Introduction
ii. Quality
3) mass Concrete(매스 콘크리트)
i. Introdcution
ii. Measures for Crack and Control on the Mixing Side
iii. Crack-inducing Eye of Mass Concrete
iv. Evaluation by Temperature Crack Index
v. Precautions for Construction
2. weather(climate)
1) Cold-climate Concrete (한중 콘크리트)
i. Introduction
ii. Construction
2) hot-climate Concrete (서중 콘크리트)
i. Purpose of usage
ii. Components of Materials
iii. Transport and Construction
3. water
1) Underwater Concrete (수중 콘크리트)
i. Performance
ii. Materials and Mixing
iii. Underwater anti-washout concrete
iv. Underwater anti-washout concrete
v. construction for Site-typed Pile and Underground Continuous Wall
vi. Concrete mixture and proportions
2) Marine Concrete (해양 콘크리트)
i. Introduction
ii. Materials
iii. Mixing
4. Capability(Role)
1) High-Strength Concrete(고강도 콘크리트)
i. Introduction
ii. Mixing and design
iii. The method for Construction and prevations
2) High-Fludity Concrete(고유동/유동화 콘크리트)
i. Introduction
ii. Materials and mix design
3) Expansive Concrete(팽창 콘크리트)
i. outline
ii. Purpose of use
iii. Mix design and Manufacturing
5. Material
1) Fiber-reinforced Concrete(FRC)(섬유보강콘크리트)
i. outline
i) Manufacturing methods and characteristics
ii) Precautions for Construction
iii) Mix design
2) Polymeric Concrete(폴리머 콘크리트)
i. Defenition
ii. Types and purposes of polymer concrete
iii. Characteristics of Polymer Concrete
6. Shot Concrete(샷콘크리트)
1) 개요
2) 장단점
i. 장점
ii. 단점
3) shotcrete 공법
i. dry mixed type
① 장점
② 단점
4) 습식공법(wet mixed type)
① 장점
② 단점
5) 재료 및 배합
6) 시공방법 및 대책
7. prepacked concrete(,프리팩트콘크리트)
1) 개요
2) 주입 모르터의 품질
3) 재료 및 배합
4) 시공방법 및 대책



■ Introduction: The special types of concrete are those with out of the ordinary properties or those produced by unusual techniques. The concrete is by definition a composite material consisting essentially of a binding medium and aggregate particles, and it can take many forms. And we need to note the fact that These concretes do have advantages

■ Difference between Ordinary and Special Concrete: First of all, we figure out the difference between the ordinary and the Special Concrete. And The Table 1 summarizes the differences discussed below.

<중 략>

■ Special Concrete: The Special Concretes are the concrete prepared for specific purpose like light weight, high density, Fire protection, Radiation shielding etc.Concrete is a versatile material possessing good compressive strength. But it suffers from many drawbacks like low tensile strength, permeability to liquids, corrosion of reinforcement, susceptibility to chemical attack and low durability.

참고 자료

Concrete Technology, Pf Kamran M. Nemati, University of Washington, 2015 (winter Lec.)
토목재료학(Construction Materials Engineering) , 3rd edition , 김성수 외 3 명 (Kim Sung-su and 4 others) , 구미서관 (Gumi)
Tennis,P.D.;Leming,M.L.;andAkers,D.J.,PerviousConcretePavements,EB302,PortlandCementAssociation, 2004,25pages
Leming,M.L.,Malcom,H.R.,andTennis,P .D.,Hydrologic DesignofPerviousConcrete,EB303,PortlandCementAssociation,2007,72pages.
5)ACICommittee304,GuideforMeasuring,Mixing,Transporting,andPlacingConcrete,ACI304R-00,ACICommittee 304Report,AmericanConcreteInstitute,Farmington Hills,Michigan,2000,41pages
Gajda, John, Energy Use of Single-Family Houses With Various Exterior Walls, CD026, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, 2001, 49 pages. Gajda, John L., and VanGeem, Martha G.,
Lake, Craig B.; Yuet, Pak K.; Goreham, Vincent C.; and Afshar, Ghazal A., Validating and Quantifying Mechanisms Responsible For Successful Cement Solidification/Stabilization of Organic Contaminants, SN3127, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, 2010, 63 pages.
FEMA, Design and Construction Guidance for Community Safe Rooms, 2nd edition, FEMA 361, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C., USA, 2008, 374pages.
Beachey, Jacob E., Characterization of Building-Related Construction and Demolition Debris in the United States, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., USA, 1998, 94 pages.
Conner, Jesse R., Guide To Improving the Effectiveness of Cement-Based Stabilization/Solidification, EB211, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, 1997, 47 pages.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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