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About abortion


The premise of legal abortion is based on certain ambiguous medical terms. My stand is against abortion and my arguments are based on medical evidence that substantiates my claim.

Abortion is the pre-mature termination of a pregnancy by artificial means. According to the statistics provided by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) there have been over 43 million abortions in the United States alone since 1973. In 1997, more children died from abortion than Americans died in the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World Wars I and II, the Korean, Vietnam and Gulf Wars combined. There were over 3,600 abortions per day in 1997, 151 per hour, one every 24 seconds. These statistics would startle us if they were men, women or children but they fail to do so, as most of us do not see abortions as summary executions.

A fertilized egg represents the seed of life. Life as we know it begins at the precise moment the egg is fertilized. But the legal doctrine of abortion is based on the premise that although a fetus is human it is not a “person”. Also since only “persons” are accorded protection under the 14th Amendment of our Constitution, a fetus does not merit it. The Supreme Court of the United States made this decision in the historic case of “Wade vs. Roe” in 1973. The judges gave the arbitrary right to doctors to determine when “personhood” should be conferred on a human being. The courts then chose an arbitrary term called viability i.e. whether the child was viable or not. The line that demarcates viability and non-viability is presently drawn near the latter stages of pregnancy.

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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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