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[교양영어] Family restaurants in Korea and America

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


미국 현지인 선생님의 editing 후 final draft essay 입니다.



Ⅰ. similarities
A. Both Korean family restaurants and American family restaurants are similar in the atmosphere.
1. American family restaurants have a family atmosphere; likewise, the atmosphere of the Korean family restaurants is free and pleasant.
2. Both Korean and American family restaurants give good service
3. Both Korean and American family restaurants offer various events.
B. The Korean family restaurants, like the American family restaurants, has extensive item of menu.
1. Menu isn’t limited in age or sex.
2. They have not only various main dishes but also various drinks and desserts.

Ⅱ. differences
A. Difference in the number of kind
1. In America, there are 30 more kinds of popular family restaurants.
2. In Korea, the popular family restaurants are less 10 kinds.
B. Difference in kinds of food
1. America family restaurants have various country styles and the foods have their own special character.
2. Many foods in Korea family restaurants are fusion foods that Korean foods combine with others
C. Difference in food costs.
1. Tax and tip
a. Food costs in American family restaurants include tax and some tip.
b. We have to pay tax and some tip separately from food cost in Korea.
2. Discounting cast.
a. The Korean family restaurants offer many ways to discount coast.
b. Discounting cost is unusual for the American family restaurants.
D. The ratio of custom in age or sex
1. The ratio of men and women
a. Women are more than men in Korea family restaurants
b. The ratio of both is similar in American family restaurants.
2. The ratio of age.
a. In Korea family restaurants, the custom consisted mainly of young people.
b. The custom consisted of different age groups in American family restaurants.



Today, family restaurants have led the restaurant industry of Korea since 1980 when eating out became popular in Korea. This trend of Korea came from America; many Korean family restaurants were affected largely by American family restaurants like TGI, OUTBACK or SIZZLER. Therefore, Korean family restaurants and American family restaurants would have similar styles externally. However, a comparison of family restaurants in Korea and America reveals not only several similarities but also many differences.

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  • A좋아요
  • B괜찮아요
  • C아쉬워요
  • D별로예요
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[교양영어] Family restaurants in Korea and America
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