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IB Diploma - TOK essay 보너스 3점 모범 예시

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이 문서는 2019년 MAY IB과정을 위해 작성한 TOK essay입니다. 에세이의 타이틀 질문은 “The quality of knowledge is best measured by how many people accept it.”이었으며 Natural Sciences와 Human Sciences를 Areas of Knowledge로 설정하여 에세이를 작성하였습니다. 지구 팽창 이론, 판구조론, 토마스 쿤의 파라다임 쉬프트, 경제학의 낙수효과, 유교자본주의, 발전주의 국가론 등등의 매우 자세하고 전문적인 예시들로 주장을 뒷받침하였고 중간의 crtical thinking 스킬을 사용하면서 차별화를 두었습니다. 결국 에세이에서 고득점을 받아 보너스 포인트로 3점을 받을 수 있었습니다. 이 에세이가 학생분들께서 TOK essay를 작성하실 때 모범예시로서 참고하면서 고득점의 목표를 이루었으면 좋겠습니다.




Two Areas of Knowledge that will be discussed are Natural Sciences and Human
Sciences. The two Sciences have different definitions due to distinctions in characteristics between them. Quality of knowledge in Natural Sciences refers to the knowledge that shows reliable and accurate empirical evidence produced through the scientific method. Quality of knowledge in Human Sciences can be defined as whether the knowledge provides valid interpretations of human behavior, and can be effectively applied to the real human world. Measuring the quality of knowledge by number of acceptance can be a tempting and convenient choice. Despite the relative ease of relying on the number of acceptance, I want to affirm that the quality of knowledge in the two Sciences is better measured by quality of evidence produced through scientific process than consensus among people...

참고 자료

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Popular Mechanics. (2018). ​We’ve Been Wrong Before: The Expanding Earth Theory. ​ [online] Available at: https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/environment/a22594681/weve-been-wrong-before-e xpanding-earth-theory/ [Accessed 24 Dec. 2019].
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Merton, R. (1979). ​The sociology of science. ​ Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Merton, R. (1979). ​The sociology of science. ​ Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 277-8.
Sang-Hun, C. (2009). ​Hwang Woo-suk Guilty of Fraud in Clone Research. ​ [online] Nytimes.com. Available at: https://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/27/world/asia/27clone.html [Accessed 23 Feb. 2019].
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Beeson, M. (2009). Developmental States in East Asia: A Comparison of the Japanese and Chinese Experiences. ​Asian Perspective, ​ 33(2), pp.8, 22, 113,.
Beeson, M. (2009). Developmental States in East Asia: A Comparison of the Japanese and Chinese Experiences. ​Asian Perspective, ​ 33(2), p.9.

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