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[정치외교] United nations Peacekeeping

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"United nations peacekeeping" 에 대한 영문 레포트 입니다.


United Nations peacekeeping: Preface
Chapter 1: An evolving technique
Chapter 2: The logic of peacekeeping
Chapter 3: The power of persuasion, backed by force
Chapter 4: The making of a peacekeeping operation
Chapter 5: How peacekeeping is financed
A note on: Monitoring ceasefires and patrolling buffer zones
A note on: Civilian police
A note on: The peacekeeper as deminer
A note on: Civilian personnel
A note on: Rapid response
A note on: Rapid deployment of startup personnel
A note on: United Nations Logistics Base
A note on: Cooperation with regional organizations
A note on: Two case studies. UNTAC and ONUMOZ
A note on: Authorization of enforcement action by others
A note on: Financial crisis
UNITED NATIONS PEACEKEEPING: Some questions and answers
What is the scope of United Nations peacekeeping?
Who is in charge?
How much does it cost?
How are peacekeepers compensated?
Who contributes personnel and equipment?
Why is peacekeeping a bargain?
Is enforcement action the same as peacekeeping?
United Nations Peace Operations in 2001
Ethiopia and Eritrea
Sierra Leone
Western Sahara


The first United Nations peacekeeping operation was "an attempt to confront and defeat the worst in man with the best in man: to counter violence with tolerance, might with moderation, and war with peace.
Since then, day after day, year after year, UN peacekeepers have been meeting the threat and reality of conflict, without losing faith, without giving in, without giving up."
Kofi A. Annan, United Nations Secretary-General

United Nations peacekeeping: Preface

In May 1948, the Security Council decided to establish a field operation to supervise a fragile truce in the first Arab--Israeli war. Two weeks later, an initial group of 36 unarmed military observers arrived in the Middle East as the first United Nations peacekeepers. More than a half century later, hundreds of thousands of individuals, the vast majority of them soldiers, have served in 53 United Nations peacekeeping operations.

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