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The role of social media in Venezuela

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"The role of social media in Venezuela"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Abstract
2. The Role of Social Media in Venezuela
3. Statistics of the Internet Users in Venezuela
4. Channels of Social Media
5. Risk of Using Social Media
6. Discussion


Venezuela has recently become known for its intense suffering from political conflicts and economic crisis. However, President Nicolás Maduro’s government still asserts that the country does not have any crisis and need for humanitarian aid. Despite Maduro’s insistence, a great deal of people in the country have been well-publicized to be experiencing a difficult situation of poverty, which is further deteriorated by political instability. When voices that speak out against and complain about the government have increased through media and the Internet, the government started to exert control over the channels of media and the Internet. Nonetheless, the regulation could not halt people sharing information and anti-governmental messages using social media. This paper examines how people in Venezuela access social media to resist the government, and why they want to keep using these channels even though they are under threats for utilizing it.

참고 자료

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