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Chaebols; the Big Brother Today

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


"Chaebols; the Big Brother Today"에 대한 내용입니다.




One of the popular words in Korea nowadays is translated in English as ‘gold spoon’. It stands for people who are born with wealthy backgrounds, inferring that such people have a head start (Cho, 2015). This term is often used when talking about chaebols as they are considered to be the ultimate gold spoons in Korea. In my essay, I will describe the vast influence of chaebols and compare them with ‘Big Brother’ in 1984 to show why they can be problematic. Then, to find out why they became problematic, I will look at the process of their development and finally suggest solutions.
A main characteristic of chaebols is great influence in Korea. The degree of monopolization on the market by chaebols is quite severe and can be observed through statistics. According to the statistics of the Fair Trade Commission, Samsung owned 67 affiliates in 36 fields such as engineering, energy, construction, security service, consulting, finance, hotel, fashion and food in 2015.

참고 자료

Cho, S. Y. Jo (November 16, 2015). Dirt Spoon, Gold Spoon. Halla Daily. Retrieved from
Choi, J. P. (2009). The Rise and Fall of Korean Chaebols. Economy Development Studies, 15(2), 233-261
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Korean Air Flight Number 086 Return Incident. In Wikipedia. Retrieved November 23, 2015 from
Kuk, M. H. (2011). From State-Led to Chaebol-Led. The Korean Journal of Humanities and the Social Sciences, 35(3), 129-158.
Lee, J. H. (2006). Active Owner Sprit and Long term Ownership and Management. Korea Business Review, 9(2), 87-106
Lee, Y. J. (2012). The Leadership of Park Chung Hee and Korea’s Rapid Economic Growth. The Korean Journal of Humanities and the Social Sciences, 36(1), 15-39.
Ministries of Nineteen Eighty-Four. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved November 16, 2015, from
Orwell, G. (2007). 1984. (H. S. Jung, Trans.). Seoul: Minemsa. (Original work published 1949)
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