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Security Builiding in CAR

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11페이지/ MS 워드
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"Security Builiding in CAR"에 대한 내용입니다.


I. Introduction

II. Historical Background
ⅰ.Regional Characteristics Consisting the Insecurity
ⅱ. History of the Conflicts and its Social System

III. Analysis on the Peace Building Efforts to CAR's Crisis
ⅰ.Conflict Management to the Conflict Transformation, and to the Hybrid Peace



Recently, Central African Republic had the crisis of the group Seleka rebelling against the government in March 2013, which is now considered as one of the most inhumane crisis leaving countless people dead (Giroux, Lanz, & Sguaitamatti, 2009). To understand this crisis taken in the CAR, we have to better understand the internal dynamics of the region and the fact that the CAR state has been vulnerable to rebellion groups due to the state’s weakness of state capacity and authority in main state functions. (Herbert, Dukhan, & Debos, 2013) Considering the fact, the recent rise of rebel groups can be understood as both the root causes as well as the consequences regarding that the state incorporates the insecurity by failing to protect the security and the welfare of civilians from poverty and violence. Moreover, we also have to well understand that the citizens have low trust in their government and the security forces.

참고 자료

Giroux, J., Lanz, D., & Sguaitamatti, D. (2009). The tormented triangle: The regionalisation of conflict in Sudan, Chad and the Central African Republic. Crisis States Research Center Series 2 Working Papers No. 47, 1-24.
Human Rights Watch. (2017). 'Central African Republic,' report at https://www.hrw.org/africa/central-african-republic
Welz, M. (2014). Briefing: Crisis in the Central African Republic and the International Response. African Affairs, 113/453, 601-610.
Andrea Mehler. (2010). Why Security Forces Do Not Deliver Security: Evidence from Liberia and the Central African Republic. Armed Forces and Society, Sagepublications, 49-69.
Siân Herbert., Nathalia Dukhan., & Marielle Debo. (2013). State fragility in the Central African Republic: What prompted the 2013 coup?. Rapid literature review,
GSDRC, International Development Department, College of Social Sciences University of Birmingham, 2-24.
John Karlsrud (2015) The UN at war: examining the consequences of peaceenforcement mandates for the UN peacekeeping operations in the CAR, the DRC and Mali, Third World Quarterly, 36:1, 40-54
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