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중국의 꽌시 문화 부패문화와 연관성이 있는가

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"중국의 꽌시 문화 부패문화와 연관성이 있는가"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Definition of guanxi-practice
3. Background -existence of guanxi-practice
4. How guanxi-practice works in China
5. China’s corruption and guanxi-practice
6. Conclusion



Corruption issue is a huge problem and general phenomenon in developing and developed countryin the world. Corruption have vary degrees of damaging consequences and it has diversity (Pranb Bardhan,1997). However,there arecontroversial issues that corruption affects the economicgrowth in a positive or negative ways.
Especially I want to focus in Chinawhich corruption issue is frequently shown in that society.One of the corruption examplescould be Chinese guanxi-practice. Also guanxi-practice has been continued after the rapid reform of china. Chinese government tried to destroy the corruption and bureaucracy but could not delete the guanxi-practice. However this kind of importance in the relationship is not only existing in china but also other East Asian countries in a different ways of culture.
So there is a question that guan-xi practice should be seen as acultural distinctiveness or corruption.

참고 자료

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Jacob Harding(2014). “Corruption or Guanxi: Differentiating between the Legitimate, Unethical, and Corrupt Activities of Chinese Government officials.” 31 UCLA Pac. Basin L.J.
K.K.Hwang(1987). “Face and favor: The Chinese power game.” American Journal of Sociology.Vol. 92, pp. 944-974
Pranb Bardhan(1997). “Corruption and Development: A Review of Issues.” Journal of Economic Literature. Vol. XXXV (September 1997). Pp. 1320-1346
Seung-Taek Lee(2014). “Anti-corruption drive and Guanxi inChina. 무역학회지.39(3). 125-143.
Y. Bian(1994). “Guan Xi and the allocation of urban jobs in China.” The china Quarterly. vol. 140. pp. 971-999
Yu, O. (2008). Corruption in china's economic reform: A review of recent observations and explanations.Crime, Law and Social Change, 50(3), p. 170. doi:http://dx.doi.org.access.yonsei.ac.kr:8080/10.1007/s10611-008-9133-5
Zhan, J. V. (2012). “Filling the gap of formal institutions: The effects of guanxi network on corruption in reform-era china.”Crime, Law and Social Change, 58(2), 93-109. doi:http://dx.doi.org.access.yonsei.ac.kr:8080/10.1007/s10611-012-9379-9
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