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Yeats - The second Coming is Not a Rescue, But Another Chaos

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


예이츠의 The second coming 작품에 대해 작품 내의 the second coming의 의미에 대해 작품 내적인 영문학 분석(은유 등의 표현 기법)을 기반으로 해석한 에세이입니다.
Second coming이 종교적 구원이 아닌 또 다른 혼돈이라는 관점으로 쓰여진 에세이입니다.
MLA 양식을 어느정도 준수하였지만, 참고하시는 년도의 최신 MLA 포멧을 기준으로 검토하실 필요가 있습니다.


1. 서론
2. 본론
3. 결론


The poem "The Second Coming" written by Yeats shows the speaker's perception that The Second Coming is just the beginning of another chaos, not salvation. “The Second Coming” shows that even after the contemporary despair, the Second Coming in the future is not a rescue, but mere another chaos. Yeats effectively delivers this idea by frequent symbolism, negative dictions and alliteration. He remarkably uses numerous negative dictions, which keep strengthens the negative atmosphere of the poem.

< 중 략 >

At last, Yeats tells that the contemporary world is already devastated, but the future with ‘The Second Coming’ is also a chaos threatened by the beast of power. Moreover, what is worse, this chaos will be repeated over and over again. As the first line 'Turning and Turning in the Widening Gyre'(1) suggests, the world revolves. ‘Gyre’ is Yeats's term for a cycle of history. And as the line 'That twenty centuries of stony sleep / Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle' (19-20) shows, reality is a nightmare occurred by a rocking cradle.

참고 자료

Yeats, W. B. “The Second Coming.”. Chicago: The Dial, 1920
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Yeats - The second Coming is Not a Rescue, But Another Chaos
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