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영문 미술사 레포트 Artemisia Gentileschi’s artistic resistance

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미국 미대 서양미술사 수업에서 A+ 받은 영문레포트입니다.
주제는 르네상스 여성화가인 아르테미시아 젠틸레스키에 관한 에세이 입니다.




Much of Western culture is portrayed through a patriarchal perspective thereby presenting a male view in its entirety. Nonetheless, few female artists within the Renaissance period opted to use a feminist perspective in developing creative spaces for fellow women to emerge and make history. One such artist is Artemisia Gentileschi who expressed femininity through her artwork, by exploring such themes as women's sexuality, sexual institutions and gendered abuse of women. This paper seeks to explore how Artemisia Gentileschi used her artwork,......<중 략>

참고 자료

Garrard, Mary D. Artemisia Gentileschi: The Image of the Female Hero in Italian Baroque Art, Princeton University Press, 1989
Kommers, E. “The Link Between Artemisia Gentileschi’s Biography and Her Artistic Oeuvre.” Young Historians Conference. 2016
Zhao, E. Women in Italian Renaissance Art: Representation, Societal ideals, and Identity. 2017
Keillor, G. The Changing Depiction of Judith Beheading Holofernes from the Pre- Renaissance Erato Contemporary Society. 2018
Cohen, Elizabeth S. "The Trials of Artemisia Gentileschi: A Rape as History". The Sixteenth Century Journal. 31, 2000
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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영문 미술사 레포트 Artemisia Gentileschi’s artistic resistance
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