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커피 찌꺼기와 차를 이용한 구리 추출

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/ MS 워드
가격 6,000원 할인쿠폰받기


용액에서 구리를 커피 찌꺼기와 티를 이용하여 추출하는 실험에 관한 레포트입니다. 모두 영어로 작성되었고, 최고 학점 받은 레포트입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Materials and Method
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion


1. Introduction
Heavy metal is a generic term for metals commonly with a specific gravity of 5 or more, and can be deposited by hydrogen sulfide in an acid solution, such as iron, manganese, chromium, copper, mercury and cadmium. The specific gravity is the term of the ratio of the mass of a substance to the mass of a standard substance which has the same volume with the substance. Even small amounts of heavy metals are harmful to the environment and the human body.
Among the heavy metals, copper is often encountered and considered a major environmental pollutant because it is highly toxic. When heavy metals are released into the environment, they circulate in the biosphere and can cause damage to living things along the food chain, and sometimes cause pollution-related diseases (Erickson et al 1996). If even a small amount of heavy metal is stored in the body, they can damage the body's health over a long period of time since the heavy metals are not excreted and accrue to the body's protein.

참고 자료

Castro, R., Caetano, L., Ferreira, G., Padilha, P., Saeki, M., Zara, L., Martines, M. & Castro, G. 2011, 'Banana Peel Applied to the Solid Phase Extraction of Copper and Lead from River Water: Preconcentration of Metal Ions with a Fruit Waste', American Chemical Society, vol. 50.
Chemical properties of copper, Lenntech, viewed 30 Dec, 2018, <https://www.lenntech.com/periodic/elements/cu.htm>.
Kim, K. 2015, Current Status and Improvement of Industrial Wastewater Discharge Management, National assembly research service, Korea.
Lavecchia, R., Patterer, M.s., Medici, F. & Zuorro, A. 2016, 'Lead removal from water by adsorption on spent coffee grounds', The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering, vol. 47, <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301678474_Lead_removal_from_water_by_adsorption_on_spent_coffee_grounds>.
Park, J., Kim, H., Kim, Y., Kim, S. & Seo, D. 2017, 'Adsorption Characteristics of Copper using Biochar Derived from Exhausted Coffee Residue ', The Korean Society of Environmental Agriculture, <https://doi.org/10.5338/KJEA.2017.36.1.02>.
Seniunaite, J., Vaiskunaite, R. & Bolutiene, V. 2014, 'Coffee grounds as an adsorbent for copper and lead removal from aqueous solutions', Conference Environmental Engineering, <https://www.bali7.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Coffee-and-Copper.pdf
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