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영문 독후감, 영화감상문 - No Country For Old Men

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7페이지/ MS 워드
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영문으로 작성한 "No Country For Old Men" 을 주제로 작성한 영문 독후감/영화 감상문 입니다.
No Country For Old Men 은 영화로도 나왔고 책으로도 나온바 있어 독후감 혹은 영화감상문 둘다 해당 됩니다.




The western genre includes various media such as film, TV, literature, and visual art. It is based on the time during and after the middle 19th century that were the pioneering days of America. Most of western movies’ backgrounds involve the barren wilderness, the wild plain, trains, and bars. The story of the western is based on a group of bad men who rob trains or bars, and then a hero who fights them by using a gun and riding a horse or standing on the train. Finally, the hero defeats all of bad men, blows the gun’s muzzle after the fighting, and the movie is over, when the hero disappears somewhere. No Country for Old Men, a recent western movie, has new features that the traditional western movies do not have; no background music, new character`s personalities, and a complex story.

참고 자료

Aleiss, Angela. “Prelude to World War II: Racial unity and the Hollywood Indian.” Keller 541- 556. Print.
Cawelti, John. “What Rough Beast – New Westerns?.” Keller 559 – 569. Print.
Glass, Matthew. “Producing Patriotic Inspiration at Mount Rushmore.” Keller 573 – 588. Print.
Keller, Michael., ed. Reading Popular Culture: An Anthology for Writers. 2nd ed. Dubuque:Kendall/Hunt, 2007. Print.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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