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조직행동 facebook 보고서

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1. Background of the Facebook
1.1 History
1.2. Goals

2. Key changing environmental factors
2.1. Globalization
2.2. Technology
2.3. Culture

3. How Facebook strives to achieve an optimal person-job fit.

4. How Facebook strives to help their employees cope with stress and balance work-life linkages.

5. How Mark Zuckerberg motivates his employees

6. Decision-making processes of the key managers

7. Leadership styles of the key managers of the Facebook.

8. How conflict is managed and the type of negotiation strategies being used.

9. The organizational chart and/or structure configuration of the organization.
9.1. Corporate Function-Based Teams
9.2. Geographic Divisions
9.3. Product-Based Divisions

10. Facebook’s organizational culture

11. Major strengths and weaknesses of Facebook. Specific recommendations and its reasons for the change


1. Background of Facebook
1.1 History
On February fourth 2004 the web service the facebook.com opened for undergraduates at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The facebook made it feasible for Harvard undergraduates to make a profile page with individual data and to keep up contact with each other. The main prerequisites were that you needed to have an email address finishing in harvard.edu — and you must be over 18 years of age. The facebook alluded to itself as "an online catalog that associates individuals through informal organizations at schools and colleges". The administration was made by 19-year-old Mark Zuckerberg, himself a Harvard University undergraduates, who ran it from a PC in his school room. He was joined by four kindred understudies, and the way the authors introduce themselves unmistakably demonstrates that this web administration was made by and for young students.
Not long after the site opened, The facebook begun to add other American colleges to the system, above all else Stanford, Columbia and Yale, and later New York University, MIT, Cornell University and others.

참고 자료

Alyssa, Abkowitz.“Facebook Is Trying Everything to Re-Enter China—and It’s Not Working.” The Wall Street Journal. (2017)
Andrew, Bosworth.“What's the internal culture of Facebook like?” Quora.(2010).
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Bloomberg.com. Bloomberg, 04 June 2017. Web.
Brügger, Niels. "A brief history of Facebook as a media text: The development of an empty structure." First Monday 20.5 (2015).
Christensen, Tanner. "How Facebook Keeps Employees Happy in the World's Largest Open Office." Inc.com. Inc., 09 Mar. 2016. Web.
Chris, Joseph. "5 Mark Zuckerberg Leadership Style Commandments." Joseph Chris Partners. Joseph Chris, 25 Aug. 2015. Web..
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Curt, Finch. “Future Facebook culture change.”Inc. (2011)
Dave, Chaffey. “Global social media research summary 2017.” Smart Insights. (2017)
Diane Hoskins. "Employees Perform Better When They Can Control Their Space." Harvard Business Review. N.p., 16 Jan. 2014. Web..
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Gelles, David. "Facebook’s grand plan for the future."Financial Times Magazine 3 (2010).
Jay, Parikh.“How Facebook Tries to Prevent Office Politics.“Harvard Business review. (2016)
Jr., Bill Murphy. "Here's How Facebook Motivates Millennial Employees." Inc.com. Inc., 22 Dec. 2015. Web.
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Lombardo, Jessica. "Facebook Inc.'s Organizational Structure (Analysis)."Panmore Institute. Panmore Institute, 07 Feb. 2017. Web.
Madeline, Farber. “Consumers Are Now Doing Most of Their Shopping Online.” Fortune (2016)
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McCracken, Harry. "How Facebook Keeps Scaling Its Culture." Fast Company. Fast Company, 25 Nov. 2015. Web.
McGregor, D., “The Human Side of Enterprise”, McGraw-Hill, 1960; annotated edn, McGraw-Hill, 2006
Motivation: New directions for theory, research, and practice. Academy of Management Review, 7, 80–88; Porter, L. W., & Lawler, E. E. (1968).Managerial attitudes and performance. Homewood, IL
“Negotiation Tips Learned from Facebook’s What’sapp Purchase.” Bloomberg and SouthernChina Morning Post.(2014)
Nisen, Max. "How Facebook and Twitter Built the Best Employee Training Programs in Silicon Valley." Quartz. Quartz, 11 Mar. 2014. Web.
Steve Kux. "10 Reasons Why 99% of Facebook Employees Love Mark Zuckerberg."Lifehack.Lifehack, n.d. Web.
Sullivan, Dr. John. "A Case Study of Facebook's Simply Amazing Talent Management Practices, Part 1 of 2." ERE Media.ERE Media, 23 July 2015. Web
"Top Tech Companies Compared." PayScale.PayScale.Inc, 2 Mar. 2016. Web.
Varun, Kacholia. “News Feed FYI: Showing More High Quality Content.” Facebook Business (2013)
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