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상황학습과 코칭

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"상황학습과 코칭"에 대한 내용입니다.


1-① Jean Lave
1-② Étienne Charles Wenger

2. 상황학습 이론
2.1. 상황학습 이론
2.2. 실행공동체

3. 코칭에의 적용


1- ① Jean Lave
Jean Lave is a social anthropologist who theorizes learning as changing participation in on-going changing practice. Her lifework challenges conventional theories of learning and education.
She completed her doctorate in Social Anthropology at Harvard University in 1968. She is currently a Professor Emerita of Geography at the University of California, Berkeley.
Her studies of apprenticeship are recognized as a significant critique of educational psychology. She pioneered the theory of situated learning and communities of practice, with the assistance of her student Etienne Wenger.
In 1988, Lave and her students showed that grocery shoppers in Orange County, California who could successfully do the mathematics needed for comparison shopping were less able to do the same mathematics when they were presented with the same problems in a formal test.

1-② Étienne Charles Wenger
Étienne Charles Wenger (born 1952) is an educational theorist and practitioner, best known for his formulation (with Jean Lave) of the theory of situated cognition and his more recent work in the field of communities of practice.

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