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일본현지대학레포트/이중언어연구/임계기가설 타당성 연구/바이링구얼/영어레포트

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1. Introduction
2. Main issue
3. Conclusion


I have learned about the Critical Period Hypothesis, as known as CPH which is related to language acquisition. According to the British Council, the main idea of CPH is that there is a period of growth in which full native competence is possible when acquiring a language. In other words, there is particular period which is appropriate to acquire a new language.

참고 자료

Birdsong, D. (Ed.). (1999). Second language acquisition and the critical period hypothesis. Routledge.
Boudreault, P., & Mayberry, R. I. (2006). Grammatical processing in American Sign Language: Age of first-language acquisition effects in relation to syntactic structure. Language and cognitive processes, 21(5), 608-635.
Curtiss, S. (2014). Genie: a psycholinguistic study of a modern-day wild child. Academic Press. See also: Starved, tortured, forgotten: Genie, the feral child who left a mark on researchers. The Guardian, July 14, 2016.
De Houwer, A. (2009). Bilingual first language acquisition. Multilingual Matters.
Fromkin, V., Krashen, S., Curtiss, S., Rigler, D., & Rigler, M. (1974). The development of language in Genie: A case of language acquisition beyond the “critical period”. Brain and language, 1(1), 81-107.
Hakuta, K., Bialystok, E., & Wiley, E. (2003). Critical evidence: A test of the critical-period hypothesis for second-language acquisition. Psychological science, 14(1), 31-38.
Johnson, J. S., & Newport, E. L. (1991). Critical period effects on universal properties of language: The status of subjacency in the acquisition of a second language. Cognition, 39(3), 215-258.
Krashen, S. (1976). Formal and Informal Linguistic Environments in Language Acquisition and Language Learning TESOL Quarterly, 10(2), pp. 157-168
Lenneberg, E. H. (1967). The biological foundations of language. Hospital Practice, 2(12), 59-67
Penfield, W., & Roberts, L. (2014). Speech and brain mechanisms (Vol. 62). Princeton University Press.
(2019. 7. 16)
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