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영작 ) The image which connects our past and present

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 4,300원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction: the importance and effects of visual images in our society
2. The image which connects our past and present: How John Berger indicates representation and signification through his visual images
3. Conclusion: the implications of visual images
4. Reference


A visual image is, by definition, a percept that arises from the eyes. It is an image that occurs in the visual system. Visual images from various fields such as advertising, arts, documents, and journalism have multifarious roles and characteristics. Through these roles and characteristics, they effect our society with a great power. Since people who live in modern society would always face various kinds of visual images in their everyday life. People can see the visual images on a sideway electronic display, from news pages, TV, smartphones and every other familiar masses. You can also consume various art house or photos, postcards, documentary, cartoons at daily level.

참고 자료

Professor Keehyeung Lee’s “Seminar in Visual Communication” materials
이기형, 박주화, 정윤정, 황경아 Keehyeung Lee, Juhwa Park, Yoon Jung Jeong, Kyong Ah Hwang, 『시대를 대표하는 이야기꾼이자, 전방위적으로 활동했던 비평가, 그리고 행동하는 양심이었던 존 버거를 기리며 Remembering John Berger - Art Critic, Storyteller, Activist, Poet, and Public Intellectual 』, 언론과 사회(Media & Society) 25(4), 사단법인 언론과 사회, 2017.11, p.106-173(68 pages).
Jonathan Jones, “How to use John Berger’s ‘language of images’ on Trump, polar bears and Kim Kardashian”, The Gardians, 2017.02.03.
판매자 유형Diamond개인인증


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