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존 윈스럽 ‘A Model of Christian Charity’가 미국사회에 끼친 영향 (영문)

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존 윈스롭의 A Model of Christian Charity가 현대 미국 사회에 미친 영향

-민주주의에 미친 영향
-미국예외주의에 미친 영향
-자본주의에 미친 영향

Leiden University의 An Introduction to American Studies 과목에서 제출한 레포트




Some of the first English men to settle down in America were Puritans. It is argued by many historians that Puritans established democracy and brought about capitalism in the United States. These historians also insist that Puritans shaped American exceptionalism. After reading John Winthrop’s ‘A Model of Christian Charity’ – address made in 1630 - I think these claims are only true to a certain extent. I saw the embers of democracy and American exceptionalism, not the burning flame itself. However, I was not able to find any spirits of capitalism here.

참고 자료

Jill Lpole, These Truths, Northon & Company, 2018
W. Mommsen(1985), 이상률 , 자본주의와 사회주의 : 베버의 마르크스와의 대화 ”, 「칼 마르크스와 막스 베버」 , 문예출판사 , 1990, 170pg (Korean translated version of Mommensen’s
Ian Tyrrell, What Exactly is ‘American Exceptionalism’, aeon, 21 10 2016,
https://theweek.com/articles/654508/what exactly american exceptionalism
H. W. Brands, What America Owes the World: The Struggle for the Soul of Foreign Policy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998
Justin B. Litke, Varieties of American Exceptionalism: Why John Winthrop Is No Imperialist, Journal of Church and State, 2012, Vol. 54(2)
Paul D. Numrich, The Rhetoric of American Exceptionalism in the Interfaith Movement in the United States, Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Volume 54, Number 1, University of Pennsylvania Press Winter 2019,
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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존 윈스럽 ‘A Model of Christian Charity’가 미국사회에 끼친 영향 (영문)
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