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The Empowerment of Muslim Women Through Hijabs Research Paper (1772 단어)

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7페이지/ MS 워드
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미국에 4년제 대학 다닐 때 작성했던 역사학 에세이입니다.

점수: A

제목: The Empowerment of Muslim Women Through Hijabs




In an increasingly pluralistic and secular world, faith and identity are relentlessly challenged by the new developments of modern society. In particular, the modern feminist movement has triggered the reevaluation of the beliefs and practices of established religions. Monotheistic religions are a focal point of critique for their deeply embedded patriarchal assumptions. In particular, Islam is subject to the harshest criticism because of Western perception that oppression of women persists in Muslim countries. The Islamic practice of veiling only makes matters worse. The hijab, or the covering worn by Muslim women, has become a hotly debated symbol that is immediately viewed as oppressive by Western feminists....(중략)

참고 자료

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McIntosh, John C. "Beyond the veil: The influence of Islam on female entrepreneurship in a conservative Muslim context." International Management Review 6.1 (2010): 102-11.
Patel, David S. "Concealing to reveal: The informational role of Islamic dress." Rationality and Society 24.3 (2012): 295-323.
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The Empowerment of Muslim Women Through Hijabs Research Paper (1772 단어)
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