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반도체와 삼성의 영향력 Semiconductor and Samsung’s Contribution to the Field 영어에세이 Research Paper (1026단어)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Semiconductor and Samsung’s Contribution to the Field
점수: A0


1. Background
2. Semiconductors and the Korean Economy
3. Challenges and Possible future in the Field of Semiconductors
4. Conclusion
5. Work Cited


Samsung’s later successful development of 1M DRAMs in 1986 indicated that it was then in a position to carry out its own product development, also mastering the relevant DRAM design technology for the first time. (Kim 20) Samsung’s innovation in the field started with the introduction of NAND flash memory as the industry’s first. It represents a breakthrough in overcoming the density limit that faced the NAND architecture, as well as yielding speed and endurance improvements (“World’s First NAND Flash”).

참고 자료

Saxena, Anupam. "Intel, Samsung largest semiconductor vendors in 2013: Gartner." . TOI Tech, 4 Apr. 2014. Web. 5 June 2014. <http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech/Intel-Samsung-largest-semiconductor-vendors-in-2013-Gartner/articleshow/33244250.cms>.
"World's First 3D Vertical NAND Flash Memory." Web. 5 June 2014. <http://www.samsung.com/global/business/semiconductor/html/product/flash-solution/vnand/overview.html>.
"History of Samsung (7): Semiconductor Breakthroughs and High-Profile Sponsoring 1984-1985." Tomorrow Culture, 30 May 2012. Web. 6 June 2014. <http://global.samsungtomorrow.com/?p=14961>.
Kim, S. Ran. The Korean System of Innovation and and the Semiconductor Industry: A Governance Perspective: 48. Web. 11 June 2014.
"The Success Story of Samsung Electronics: How It All Began." Samsung Village. Permalink, 1 June 2012. Web. 11 June 2014. <http://www.samsungvillage.com/blog/2012/06/01/samsungblog-the-success-story-of-samsung-electronics-how-it-all-began/>.
Islam, Manzur. "Recent Challenges in Semiconductor Industry and the Future." Web. 9 June 2014.<http://www.academia.edu/334548/Recent_Challenges_in_Semiconductor_Industry_and_the_Future>.
Elliott, Jim. "What Role Will Samsung Memory Play in Future Tech Trends?." . N.p., 6 Aug. 2013. Web. 10 June 2014. <http://www.samsungsemiblog.com/2013/08/what-role-will-samsung-memory-play-in-future-tech-trends/>.
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반도체와 삼성의 영향력 Semiconductor and Samsung’s Contribution to the Field 영어에세이 Research Paper (1026단어)
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