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경희대 국제학과 비교지역학CAS 수업에서 작성한 영문 report입니다.(5페이지)

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"경희대 국제학과 비교지역학CAS 수업에서 작성한 영문 report입니다.(5페이지)"에 대한 내용입니다.




War and the State in Africa by Jeffrey Herbst illustrates the impact of war in relation to state consolidation and how this relationship had contributed to the lack of political development in the states of Africa. In accordance with Herbst, war is the most important cause of state formation. He supports his claim by comparing the European experience of state building through warfare and how the absence of interstate war in Africa had led to problems in state consolidation. In terms of the European case, there are two significant effects of war on state formation that Herbst emphasizes. First, the interstate war in Europe had led to the creation of centralized structures to collect taxes. He further explains this claim by stating that during warfare, state leaders are pressured to find new sources of income as they need to collect more taxes to support the war. This leads them to undertake coercion required to gain more revenue, which can contribute to tax reformation.

참고 자료

Akitoby, Bernardin. “Raising Revenue.” International Monetary Fund ,
www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2018/03/akitoby.htm .
“Human Rights and Unilateral Coercive Measures.” United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner ,
www.ohchr.org/en/newsevents/seminars/pages/workshopcoercivemeasures.aspx .
Iweriebor, Ehiedu. “The Colonization of Africa.” Africa 1980–2010: Tragedies, Triumphs, and Challenges Africa 1980–2010: Tragedies, Triumphs, and Challenges ,
Jiabo et al; The political economy of property tax in Africa: Explaining reform outcomes in Sierra Leone, African Affairs , Volume 114, Issue 456, 1 July 2015, Pages 404–431
Moore, M. (2007) How does taxation affect the quality of governance? Working paper series, 280. Brighton: IDS
Onumonu, Ugo P., Rethinking the impact of Nigerian civil war: Commerce in the post civil war Nnewi and its challenges, pdf.
UN General Assembly, Unilateral economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries : report of the Secretary-General , 16 July 2015,
A/70/152, available at: https://www.refworld.org/docid/55f283f64.html
VanDyke, Matthew. “Mali, Sudan, and Ethnic Conflict in Northern Africa.” The Freedom Fighter Blog , 13 Aug. 2012,
www.matthewvandyke.com/blog/mali-sudan-ethnic-conflict-north-africa/ .
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