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The evaluation of patriarchy in intimate partner violence in Asian and Western society

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/ MS 워드
가격 12,000원 할인쿠폰받기


여성이 주력 피해자가 되는 파트너 폭력의 시작점으로 유츄되는 가부장제가 어떤 요소에 의해 시작이 되고 심화되었는지 풀어나가는 내용입니다. 또한 그 가부장제의 모습이 아시아와 서구사회에서 어떻게 다르게 나타나는지 비교하며 진행됩니다.




Religion and culture have great power to struct the form of society. One of the effects of them is patriarchy across the world. To be specific, in the case of Asian, it can be manifested with Confucianism. It is likely to give great authority and even possession of family to males. This essay will discuss the comparison of effects in order to intimate partner violence by the patriarchal system in Asian and Western society and the consequences after the abuse. In addition, the perspective of this research is to focus on victimised women rather than male victims. In the first paragraph,
the accurate meaning of intimate partner violence and the dominant cases of female victims will be stated. Then, the type of patriarchal ideology in Asian and Western countries and the origin of both the patriarchal concept of the societies are explained. In industry, there are contrary circumstances between Asian female and Western women.

참고 자료

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The evaluation of patriarchy in intimate partner violence in Asian and Western society
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