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How effectively is Korea's local government communicating information about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Internet-media to the public?

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/ MS 워드
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"How effectively is Korea's local government communicating information about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Internet-media to the public?"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Korea’s approach to SDGs
3. Government Structures for SDGs
4. How is information about SDGs communicated on national, provincial/prefectural/state, and local websites?
5. Is information about SDGs communicated effectively to the public?
6. Appendix
7. Reference


Since 2015, the UN has been introducing SDGs as a new paradigm to lead international cooperation and development discourse. The scope of issues covered by SDGs extends beyond sustainable environment and economic development to public governance. In particular, the importance of civil society and the private sector, as well as local governments, has been increasing as the main actors implementing SDGs, as SDGs aim to integrate all areas of society and systems under the huge goal of sustainable development, with each sector interlinked to encourage diverse actors to participate in the sustainable development plan (UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform https://sdgs.un.org/).
Meanwhile, strengthening the e-governance function of local governments is critical for the implementation of SDGs. This is because web-based local government systems improve access to services, thereby increasing the participation of the public (UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs, 2019, p.153).

참고 자료

Korea Environment Institute (2017): A Study on the Status of Implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Korea. Available online at http://www.prism.go.kr/homepage/entire/retrieveEntireDetail.do?research_id=1480000-201700261 (last access date on July 23, 2020)
Ministry of Environment Commission on Sustainable Development (2019): A Report on Korean-Sustainable Development Goals (K-SDGs) 2019. Ministry of Environment Commission on Sustainable Development. Available online at http://ncsd.go.kr/research?content=1&post=2321 (last access date on July 22, 2020)
The Ministry of the Interior and Safety (2016): E-Government 2020 Basic Plan. Available online at https://www.mois.go.kr/frt/a02/localGovernmentArticle.do?dicaryinfoid=DICARY_0000000002201 (last access date on July 24, 2020)
UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs (2019): United Nations E-Government Survey 2018. Available online at https://publicadministration.un.org/en/Research/UN-e-Government-Surveys (last access date on July 24, 2020)
Google (www.google.co.kr) (last search date: July 23, 2020)
Korean Policy Briefing http://www.korea.kr/special/policyCurationView.do?newsId=148867900#L6 (last access date: July 23, 2020)
Local Sustainability Alliance of Korea http://www.sdkorea.org/ (last access date on July 23, 2020)
Ministry of Environment http://me.go.kr/ (last access date: July 23, 2020)
Naver (www.naver.com) (last search date: July 23, 2020)
Sustainable Development Portal http://ncsd.go.kr/ (last access date on July 24, 2020)
UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform https://sdgs.un.org/ (last access date on July 24, 2020)
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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How effectively is Korea's local government communicating information about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Internet-media to the public?
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