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Theories Regarding the Protection of 'The Other' [Modern World and Christianity]

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


"Theories Regarding the Protection of The Other"에 대한 내용입니다.
[Modern World and Christianity] Final Essay2 / A+


1. Understanding the Concept of The Other
2. Theories Regarding the Protection of The Other
3. Regarding the Best Theory
4. Ending Statement


Understanding the Concept of The Other
“At first, we woke up to the sound of the wind and right after that the water came streaming into our house. We only managed to grab our children and run away to an area which lies on higher ground,” explains Rafael Domingo, a father of four in Mozambique, where Cyclone Idai left more than 73,000 people homeless in March 2019.
Climate migrants are one example of ‘the other’ in these days; they are forced to leave their homes due to the impacts of climate change, which are largely the consequences of the developed countries. In 2018 alone, 17.2 million new displacements with disasters were recorded in 148 countries and territories(IDMC). Meanwhile, the wave of anti-immigrant nationalism in recent years has made it a challenge to even acquire the governments following the refugee protocol.
In my understanding, the other is the marginal ‘object’ defined by the ‘subject’.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Theories Regarding the Protection of 'The Other' [Modern World and Christianity]
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