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언어로서의 이미지와 큐레이터의 역할 (영문)

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언어로서의 이미지와 큐레이터의 역할에 대한 영문 논문 입니다.




…when you look at a portrait photography of someone you don’t know, you pretty much bring your own connotations to a denoted set of characteristics. In other words, from an image you switch to language, which is the only way we humans can read an image (Felix Gonzales-Torres, quoted in Cahan 94).
According to Felix Gonzales-Torres, humans decode an image into language, which is developed with individual and unique remarks, prior to ingesting the image. An image does not solely imply traditional two-dimensional art forms, such as painting and photography, but any sensible impression that can be experienced from a variety of art forms such as (but not limited to) sculpture, video, performance and other forms of time-based media. The audience reads an image of an artwork, which is purposefully installed and exhibited, with language. Such logic is under the premise that an artwork radiates a static image, and that the connotation and..

<중 략>

참고 자료

Kwon, Miwon. One place after Another: Site-Specific Art and Locational Identity. Korean Edition, Hyunsil Moonhwa, 2013.
Smith, Terry. Thinking Contemporary Curating. Independent Curators International, 2012.
Cahan, Susan. “Felix Gonzalez-Torres Interviewed by Tim Rollins.” Between Artists, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, A.R.T. Press, 1993.
Barthes, Roland. A Lover’s Discourse. Hill and Wang, 2010.
Barthes, Roland. Roland Barthes by Roland Bathes. Hill and Wang, 2010.
Mijares, Natasha. Personal interview. 8 November 2016.
Ko, Jongseok. Impure Language is Beautiful. Logopolis, 2015.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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언어로서의 이미지와 큐레이터의 역할 (영문)
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