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경영전략 Samsung Electronics Analysis Report (하버드비즈니스리뷰 영문 분석 레포트)

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4페이지/ MS 워드
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"경영전략 Samsung Electronics Analysis Report (하버드비즈니스리뷰 영문 분석 레포트)"에 대한 내용입니다.


a. Use the 5-forces framework to evaluate the DRAM industry.
1) Intensity of Rivalry
2) Bargaining Power of Suppliers
3) Bargaining Power of Buyers
4) Threat of Potential Entrants
5) Threat of Substitutes

b. 1) What kind of advantage are the Chinese entrants seeking (cost leadership or differentiation)?
2) How close are they to achieving that advantage?
3) How much of Samsung’s performance is based on its low-cost advantage?
4) Can that low-cost advantages withstand the Chinese threat on costs?

c. What are the sources of Samsung’s competitive advantage? (Cost or differentiation advantage, or both?) If Samsung is both low-cost and differentiated, how does it do both? Why can’t more firms in other industries do the same?

d. What recommendations would you make to Chairman Lee regarding Samsung’s response to the threat of large-scale Chinese entry?


a. Use the 5-forces framework to evaluate the DRAM industry.
1) Intensity of Rivalry
Despite of rapid growth of semiconductor industry, the intensity of rivalry was very harsh in the DRAM industry. Because there were 7 main players in this industry, and their influence in the market was almost the same except for Samsung electronics. According to Exhibit 1, net revenues of Micron, Infineon, and Hynix were comparable. However, net revenue of Samsung was almost ten times of other firms’ revenues, which means that Samsung was the strong market leader.
Although almost all players in this industry had experienced severe financial distress, they did not use exit strategy. Plus, it was necessary for players to have a production technology. It can be interpreted as an existence of high exit barrier.
Moreover, the large-scale of entry by Chinese firms were so threatening because they had easy access to finance of local and international sources.

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경영전략 Samsung Electronics Analysis Report (하버드비즈니스리뷰 영문 분석 레포트)
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2024년 07월 09일 화요일
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