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"Pullman Auckland Hotel Project Report (Pullman Auckland 호텔 프로젝트 연구)"에 대한 내용입니다.


1.0 Introduction
1.0.1 Organization Overview
1.0.2 Role Overview
1.0.3 Project Importance to Organization
1.0.4 Structure

2.0 Project Summary

3.0 Literature Review
3.0.1 Importance of Training
3.0.2 Service Standardization
3.0.3 Effective Method of Training
3.0.4 Adult Learning Theory
3.0.5 Part-time Training Challenges
3.0.6 Literature Review Summary
3.0.7 Relationship between theory and practice Relationship with Importance of Training Relationship with Effective Methods of Training Relationship with Adult Learning Theory Relationship with Adult Learning Theory Relationship with Part-time Training Challenges

4.0 Discussion
4.0.1 Connections with Importance of Training
4.0.2 Connections with Service Standardization
4.0.3 Connections with Effective Methods of Training
4.0.4 Connections with Adult Learning Theory
4.0.5 Connections with Part-time Training Challenges

5.0 Conclusion

6.0 References


The project title is a staff training manual for Room Service Attendant at Pullman Auckland. To make a staff training manual, a job description for Room Service Attendant and Room Service menu are given by the Human Resource Department. From the first day, the Room Service department is introduced and the hotel tour is conducted. Then, the couple of hours were listen to how to answer phones and take orders in a courteous manner, and were taught how to deliver orders promptly. The similar training is conducted for next three to four weeks. After a month, more time was given to work independently and several hours were taught how to use the Opera system, how to make a revenue report, and how to handle guest complaints professionally. And also, work shift is changed from morning to evening, and time was given to learn the evening menu and to close the service. From last three weeks, most content in the training manual, including job duties, standard operating procedures, and health and safety responsibilities is created.

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