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[태양전지실험] Study of Organic and Inorganic Solar Cells

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
40페이지/ MS 워드
가격 30,000원 할인쿠폰받기


태양전지실험 (Final report for Photovoltaic experiment, PHY589) 기말대체 레포트입니다. (A+ 받음)



Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1. Solar energy and photovoltaics
1.2. Principle of solar cells operation
1.3. Electrical characteristics of solar cells
1.4. Inorganic PIN solar cells
1.5. Organic solar cells

Chapter 2. Equipment
2.1. Fabrication equipment for inorganic PIN solar cells
2.1.1. Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD)
2.1.2. Plasma sputtering
2.1.3. Thermal evaporator
2.2. Fabrication equipment for organic solar cells
2.2.1. Spin coater
2.3. Measurement equipment
2.3.1. Dark J-V measurement
2.3.2. Photo J-V measurement
2.3.3. External Quantum Efficiency (EQE) measurement
2.3.4. Ellipsometry
2.3.5. Profilometer
2.3.6. UV-Vis spectrometer

Chapter 3. Result and discussion
3.1. Inorganic PIN solar cells
3.1.1. Device structures
3.1.2. Results and data analysis
3.2. Organic solar cells
3.2.1. Device structures
3.2.2. Results and data analysis

Chapter 4. Conclusions and perspectives
1. Acknowledgement
2. Bibliography


The objective of this report is to generally understand the fabrication process and the characterization method of the inorganic solar cells and the organic solar cells. The PIN device is fabricated for the inorganic solar cells and P3HT:PCBM blend is used for the organic solar cells. The characterization process is done by various tools.
In the beginning of this course, we understood the basic fundamentals and methods of characterization process. After that, we fabricated and characterized those devices. For the PIN inorganic devices, we used the ZnO as the transparent conductive oxide (TCO) with the different contact materials of indium tin oxide (ITO) and Al, respectively. For the organic devices, we used the P3HT:PCBM and P3HT:PCBM with the special additive as the active layers, respectively. Finally, we characterized our devices optically (ellipsometry), physically (profilometer), and electrically (dark/photo J-V characteristics, external quantum efficiency, EQE).

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[태양전지실험] Study of Organic and Inorganic Solar Cells
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