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(A+ 학점 자료) 정치,경제강의 레포트 - 미국과 동북아시아 영어레포트

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6페이지/ 한컴오피스
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In 1992, the United states pushed China to open market. After opening market, China carried out sharp economic policies and industrialization policies. It accomplished more than 10% growth per year over 20 years. China took the second position of the world which had been Japan's. Now it is aiming at the most powerful country in the world. Did the United states expect the surge of China in just 20 years? Even though Japan lost the No.2 position, it is taking actions to survive. After Abe took office as the prime minister of Japan, he carried out radical reflation measures to redeem the slump of 'Lost 20 years'(from 1990's to 2000's). At the same time the government of Japan turned rightist and tries to keep Japan's political power in the Northeast asia and in the world.

참고 자료

Chalmers Johnson. 2000. Blowback. OWL BOOKS, p.8, pp.11~13, pp.17~19, p.32
Dambisa Moyo. 2013. Winner Take All: China's Race for Resources and What It Means for the World, pp.23~31, pp.63~66
Brett M. Decker and William C. Triplett II. 2011. Bowing to Beijing: How Barack Obama is Hastening America's Decline and Ushering A Century of Chinese Domination.
Nye Joseph S. . 2003. The Paradox of American Power: Why the World's Only Superpower Can't Go It Alone
Lebel Jean-François . 2002. (L')Obssession anti-Americaine(korean edition). IL-SONG BOOKS, pp.21~24
Emmanuel Todd . 2004. Apres l'Empire(korean edition). GGACHI
Kim Dong-hwan. 2011. Rare-earth resource wars (Korean edition)'pp.25~31, pp.81~86, pp.89~94, p163
The Korea Herald. 2015/05/19. "Missile defense dispute reignited"
The Korea Herald. 2015/01/14. "Japan approves biggest-ever defense budget"
Shin Hyon-hee. The Korea Herald. 2015/04/07. "Japan stokes territorial tension: Seoul condemns Tokyo’s renewed Dokdo claim in its foreign policy report"
The Korea Herald. 2015/05/20. "China trying to use THAAD issue to 'create a wedge' in U.S.-Korea"
The Korea Herald. 2012/09/23. "China has ‘too much to lose’ for Japan sanctions"
lee in-sun, 2012, Northeast Asia nationalism and resources conflicts, Korea Univ., pp. 23~36, pp.42~46
Korean Institue for Defence Analysis world conflict data base. available at http://terms.naver.com/list.nhn?cid=42147&categoryId=42147
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