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Physical, social and economic problems caused by smoking

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


고려대학교 서울캠퍼스 1학년 필수교양 academic english 과목 영어 에세이입니다.

제목은 이며,
서론-본론1(physical problem)-본론2(social problem)-본론3(economic problem)-결론 총 5문단으로 정리한 2.5쪽 분량입니다. 교수님이 형식 중요시하셔서 맨 뒷장에 논문 참고문헌 기입까지 따로 정확하게 해두었습니다.

정확한 주제는
Smoking - To decrease the rate of smoking in society, it is essential that people more clearly understand the consequences of smoking. What are these main physical, social and economic problems caused by smoking? 이었습니다.

어려운 주제 아니라 깔끔하게 썼고, 교수님께서 'Excellent essay, fully explored with all parts of the original questions addressed. Excellent use of medical language.'이라고 피드백 주셨습니다.

서론-본론1-본론2-본론3-결론 중 서론 부분입니다.




Smoking is one of the most serious widespread phenomena that threaten lives of a huge number of people worldwide. Today, many people enjoy smoking, which is practiced by approximately 1.1 billion people. They mostly start to smoke for many reasons such as having fun or relieving stress, but it ends in addiction. After all, they smoke heavily by habit every day. Because smoking does not cause immediate damage, people are not fully aware of the dangers. It takes about 20 years for the smoking to occur, and even if you smoke until that time, your head hurts a little bit and there are no other symptoms.

참고 자료

Kyu-sik, Lee., “Economic Impact Analysis by Non-smoking.” Health Promotion and Non-smoking Symposium, (2000)
CDC., “Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking” Office on Smoking and Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (2017)


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Physical, social and economic problems caused by smoking
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