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UPS 물류 사업 개선 프로젝트 제안서 ppt [경영전략 물류 SCM IT] - 영문 (English)

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1. Executive Summary
2. Engagement
3. Problem Statement
4. Product deliverable
5. Strategic Alignment
6. Key Benefits
7. Project Sponsors
8. Context Diagram
9. Project Scope
10. PM deliverable
11. Development approach
12. Work Breakdown Structure
13. Cost Estimate
14. Risk Management Plan
15. Project Manager Reflection
16. Organizational Change Management


Executive Summary
• In 2017, consumers returned more than $380 billion in goods, or 11.7 percent of all purchases in the U.S.1
• Retailers suffer from managing excess inventory and reselling returned items
• Unsold returned items generate 5 billion pounds of disposal and incur both monetary and environmental costs
• Such problems raise an opportunity for UPS to realize its commitment to retailer management and environmental sustainability.

• UPS should develop a Return Optimization Platform (ROP), which retrieves the retailer’s current inventory level at the point of return request and determines the next best destination for returned items: return-to-retailer, reselling on secondary marketplaces, donating to charity, recycler, or landfill.
• The ROP should integrate with the UPS Returns Manager tool, which allows retailers to gain control and visibility of return shipments.

Key Benefits
The development of Return Optimization Platform (ROP) helps both retailer and UPS as follows:

참고 자료

“There’s a good chance your holiday returns will end up in a landfill.” MoneyCNN. https://money.cnn.com/2017/12/26/news/retail-returns-landfill/index.html. Accessed 21 Feb, 2019.
“The ACSI Specialty Retail Stores Customer.” The ACSI. https://www.theacsi.org/industries/retail/specialty. Accessed 21 Feb, 2020.
Why going green gives your business a competitive advantage. https://www.bizjournals.com/portland/news/2017/08/23/why-going-green-gives-your-business-a-competitive.html. Accessed 21 Feb, 2019.
“There’s a good chance your holiday returns will end up in a landfill.” MoneyCNN. https://money.cnn.com/2017/12/26/news/retail-returnslandfill/
index.html. Accessed 21 Feb, 2020.
“The Retail Industry Has A Problem with Returns” Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/brittainladd/2018/12/19/retailers-are-about-to-get-hit-with-95b-ofholiday-
returns-returnrunners-can-recover-those-losses/#700e00e626b6. Accessed 8 May, 2020.
“The ACSI Specialty Retail Stores Customer.” The ACSI. https://www.theacsi.org/industries/retail/specialty. Accessed 21 Feb, 2019.
Why going green gives your business a competitive advantage. https://www.bizjournals.com/portland/news/2017/08/23/why-going-green-gives-your-business-a-competitive.html. Accessed 21 Feb, 2019.
Mohammed Chaara’s Profile, LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/in/chaara/. Accessed 8 May, 2020.
Teel, John. “The 10 Costs You'll Pay to Bring Your Hardware Product to Market.” Entrepreneur, 13 Apr. 2016, www.entrepreneur.com/article/270942.
CostOwl.com. 2019 Average Database Design Prices: How Much Does a Database Design Service Cost?”, www.costowl.com/b2b/design-services-database-cost.html
Reverselogisticstrends.com. “California Electronic Waste Recycling Act of 2003 (SB20)” http://www.reverselogisticstrends.com/regulatory_cew.php
The Brilliant Ways UPS Uses AI, Machine Learning and Big Data. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2018/06/15/the-brilliant-ways-ups-uses-artificial-intelligence-machine-learning-and-big-data/#33e5c7895e6d. Accessed 8 May, 2020.
“Jung Typology Test™.” Personality Test Based on C. Jung and I. Briggs Myers Type Theory, www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp.
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UPS  물류 사업 개선 프로젝트 제안서 ppt [경영전략 물류 SCM IT] - 영문 (English)
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