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영문(English) 미국 Target SAP 프로젝트 사례 제안서 [경영전략 ERP SAP IT]

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 PDF문서형식으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


글로벌 리테일 기업 Target의 ERP 을 제안서를 구체적으로 작성했습니다.

미국 대학원 경영전략과 IT 수업에 제출한 보고서이며, 최종 A+ 학점 받은 레포트 입니다.

보고서 및 논문 작성에 도움이 되시길 바랍니다 :)


1. Executive Summary
2. Engagement
3. Problem Statement
4. Product deliverable
5. Strategic Alignment
6. Key Benefits
7. Project Sponsors
8. Context Diagram
9. Context Diagram
10. PM deliverable
11. Development approach
12. Work Breakdown Structure
13. Cost Estimate
14. Risk Management Plan
15. Project Manager Reflection
16. Organizational Change Management


Executive Summary:
The proposed project is an SAP Integrated Business Planning (IBP) system implementation. SAP developed their Integrated Business Planning System as a system to aid companies like Target with their supply chain. With Target’s participation in the retail industry through brick-and-mortar and online, and the high inventory levels required in this space, it is important to optimize inventory levels and accurately forecast to prevent overinvestment in inventory and prevent stock outs.
SAP Integrated Business Planning is a next-generation planning application, powered by SAP HANA that helps companies engage stakeholders across the organization in a truly integrated planning process that aligns their business to profitable solution. SAP IBP delivers a new paradigm of user experience and efficiency, leveraging real-time dashboards, advanced predictive analytics, interactive simulation, embedded social collaboration and Microsoft Excel-enabled planning tables.

참고 자료

How Blockchain Will Intersect with the Wholesale Distribution Industry, SAP, https://blogs.sap.com/2017/06/29/how-blockchain-will-intersect-with-the-wholesale-distribution-industry/
SAP Integrated Business Planning Software, https://www.sap.com/products/integrated-business-planning.html
2017 Target Corporation 10-K, https://corporate.target.com/annual-reports/pdf-viewer-2017?cover=30827&parts=30826
Publish a Project Charter, https://rd.lib.umn.edu/reservesViewer.php?reserve=290404%26src=M
Kick-Start Bimodal IT by Launching Mode 2, Gartner, https://www.gartner.com/document/3021418?ref=solrAll&refval=211069340&qid=1a9ec6f6b9f375ec64d4ca2be417228a
SAP IBP Project Learnings, https://blogs.sap.com/2017/01/13/so-youre-starting-an-integrated-business-planning-project-part-1/
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영문(English) 미국 Target SAP 프로젝트 사례 제안서 [경영전략 ERP SAP IT]
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