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Movie The Truman show and the Changes in Mass Communication effectiveness theory

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13페이지/ MS 워드
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"Movie The Truman show and the Changes in Mass Communication effectiveness theory"에 대한 내용입니다.




What are the characteristics of the broadcasting and media industries today? How do adoptors accept media content? Until the 2000s, there was a culture in which the whole family gathered in the living room and watched the broadcast together at a set time. But as of 2020, the era of 'multi-media multi-channel' has arrived. Each person carries their smartphone and consumes the video clip that he or she wants. Individual content consumption across time and space is achieved at the desired time, place, and place. The monopoly and influence of terrestrial broadcasting have been dispersed by the advent of the information society, and media adoptor's characteristics are also gradually changing. First, the Digital generation is “Always On”. They use the digital device that is easy to use, portable and uses various types of information at once. Second, modern consumers have the characteristic of being interactive. They give immediate and continuous feedback and show self-contained participation in content.

참고 자료

<Reflection of Freedom in the Truman Show>, Sun-Hyung Lee, Journal of the Korea Entertainment Industry Association 12(8), 2018.12, 83-93(11 pages)
<The Changing Medai Ecosystem and Media Production Studies>, Hee-Eun Lee, Korean Journal of Communication & Information 101, 2020.6, 81-112(32 pages)
<A Study on Industrial Trend of Contents Market in Korea>, Park Joo Seong, Proceedings of Symposium of the Korean Institute of communications and Information Sciences , 2017.6, 847-848(2 pages)
<A Study on Motivations of Viewers Watching Personal Live Streaming Broadcast and the influences of Motivation Factors to Satisfaction and Continuance Intention - Focused on Post Acceptance Model (PAM)> - Lee, Joo-Hee, Ko- Kyung A, Ha Dae-Gweon, The Korean Journal of Advertising and Public Relations 20(2), 2018.4, 178-215(38 pages)
<How 'The Truman Show' Warned Us About Social Media (Before It was Invented)>, Tom Trott, https://medium.com/framerated/how-the-truman-show-warned-us-about-social-media-before-it-was-invented-f19819f1c87a
The definition of 'Digital Literacy', The American Library Association (ALA), https://literacy.ala.org/digital-literacy/
The definition of 'Influencer', DIctionary.com, https://www.dictionary.com/browse/influencer?s=t
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Movie The Truman show and the Changes in Mass Communication effectiveness theory
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