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호주 간호학과 에세이 (문화적 역량_Cultural Practice)

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호주 간호학과 에세이

문화집단을 선택해 조사하고 사회문화적 요인과
의료서비스 형평성과 사회윤리적 웰빙에 대해 논의

이 에세이는 버마(미얀마) 난민에 대해 조사했고요
버마 난민 환자를 돌본 경험하고
환자중심적이고 문화적으로 안전한 실무를 제공하기위해
Knowing framework를 이용하여
간호사의 문화적 역량을 증진시키는 방안 등에 대해 작성되었습니다.

앞에는 원본 (영어)고 뒤에 한글 번역판 첨부했습니다.

High Distinction 받았습니다.


1. Introduction
2. Burmese refugees and their health issues
3. The links between cultural factors and health concerns
4. Cultural frameworks for the better understanding of culture
5. Requirements for culturally safe practice
6. Conclusion
7. Reference
8. 소개
9. 버마 난민과 그들의 건강 문제
10. 문화적 요인과 건강 문제 사이의 연관성
11. 문화에 대한 더 나은 이해를 위한 문화적 틀
12. 문화적으로 안전한 관행을 위한 요구사항
13. 결론


Australia is a multicultural country with a continuous influx of people around the world from diverse cultural backgrounds. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2017), almost half of Australians were born overseas, or were children of immigrants, and more than 300 different languages are spoken by Australians at home. In this culturally diverse society, nurses play a key role for ensuring accessibility to and equitable distribution of healthcare resources to those from different cultures (Crisp, Douglas, Rebeiro, & Waters, 2017). However, some minor cultural groups experience difficulties adapting to Australian culture and accessing healthcare services. Refugees are one of the most marginalised minor cultural groups in Australia, due to multiple barriers that include social and cultural factors (Holland & Hogg, 2010). In order to promote refugees’ health and well-being, nurses should ensure culturally safe practice, while understanding and..

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