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영어 논문 (리뷰 논문 - High Entropy Alloy)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
15페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


제가 졸업한 학교는 졸업 요건에 '영어 인증 점수(ex 토익800)'이 있는게 아니라, 여러 영어 수업을 수강하고 pass해야 졸업할 수 있는 방식입니다. 최종 수업을 들으면서 작성한 리뷰 논문입니다.

High Entropy Alloy에 관한 8개의 논문을 읽고, 정리한 리뷰 논문입니다.
워드 15페이지, 3000단어 이상

참고한 논문은 저작권문제로 첨부는 하지않았으나, 목록은 있으니 따로 찾으시면 됩니다.


0. Abstract

1. Introduction
1.1 Review

2. Theoretical background
2.1. Basic concepts of the HEAs
2.2. Four characteristics of HEAs
2.2.1. The high entropy effect
2.2.2. The sluggish diffusion effect
2.2.3. The severe lattice distortion effect
2.2.4. The cocktail effect1,12

3. Properties of the HEAs
3.1. Mechanical properties
3.1.1. Deformation twining
3.1.2. Mechanical properties of the HEAs at high temperature.
3.1.3 Mechanical properties of the HEAs in the low temperature.
3.1.4. Corrosion behavior in the HEAs
3.2. Physical properties
3.2.1 Electrical properties
3.2.2 Thermal properties

4. Discussion
4.1 Application fields
4.2 Value
4.2.1 Economic feasibility
4.2.2 Possibility
4.3 Limitation

5. Conclusion

6. Reference



The high entropy alloys (HEAs) are the latest advanced alloy and have unique properties. Because the HEAs contain the multicomponents, their high entropy stabilizes the solid solution and disturbs the intermetallic compounds. So, they have enhanced mechanical properties in high or low temperatures. Also, they have high corrosion resistance, high electrical resistivity, and low thermal conductivity. Therefore, the HEAs can be used widely in extreme conditions. Last, they have economic feasibility because half of their components are not high-priced elements.

1. Introduction

Metals generally can’t have both hardness and ductility. Some metals which have great hardness are brittle, so they can be broken easily. Although other metals have excellent toughness, they are not hard and deformed easily. So, metallurgists developed alloys. Properties of the alloys are controlled by composition, so we can get materials of appropriate properties.

참고 자료

JIEN-WEI YEH, Alloy design strategies and future trends in high-entropy alloys, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 2013
Zhi Tang, Lu Huang, Wei He, and Peter K. Liaw, Alloying and Processing Effects on the Aqueous Corrosion Behavior of High-Entropy Alloys, Entropy, 2014
Z.P. Lu a, H. Wang, M.W. Chen, I. Baker, J.W. Yeh, C.T. Liu, and T.G. Nieh, An assessment on the future development of high-entropy alloys, Intermetallics, 2015
Jinxiong Hou, Min Zhang, Huijun Yang and Junwei Qiao, Deformation Behavior of Al0.25CoCrFeNi High-Entropy Alloy after Recrystallization, Metals, 2017
Tai M. Yue, Hui Xie, Xin Lin, Haiou Yang and Guanghui Meng, Microstructure of Laser Re-Melted AlCoCrCuFeNi High Entropy Alloy Coatings Produced by Plasma Spraying, Entropy, 2013
Brian Cantor, Multicomponent and High Entropy Alloys, Entropy, 2014
Ming-Hung Tsai, Physical Properties of High Entropy Alloys, Entropy, 2013
Bernd Gludovatz, Anton Hohenwarter, Dhiraj Catoor, Edwin H. Chang, Easo P. George and Robert O. Ritchie, A fracture-resistant high-entropy alloy for cryogenic applications, Science, 2014
S. Ranganathan, Alloyed pleasures: Multimetallic cocktails,Current Science, 2003.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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영어 논문 (리뷰 논문 - High Entropy Alloy)
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