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미국사회와문학 토마스 페인 <상식 Common Sense>

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


2. Thesis statement
3. Research Questions
4. Brief Overview of “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine
5. Introduction
6. Main Arguments Presented by Thomas Paine in the "Common Sense": Independence from England and the Successful Creation of a Democratic Republic
7. Structure of the “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine
8. Work Cited


Thomas Paine wrote the “Common Sense” in the year 1776, which is an important pamphlet that mainly argued and advocated for the important need of all Americans in gaining the desired independence from the parliamentary and monarchical government system of the British Kingdom (Allen 2000). Ideally, this is the main philosophy or idea that is presented in Thomas Paine's writings; however, this paper will focus on understanding and explaining some of the important and finer details (Paine 2008). Additionally, one of the main reasons that were presented by Thomas Paine in his “Common Sense” book that was written in 1776 is that all of the Americans should focus on having their independence which is the natural existence of the pursuit of "human equality."Basically, what Thomas Paine actually does in his “Common Sense” is to focus on proposing an argument against Britain's divine rule of kings.

Key Words: Independence, Call to Action, England, British, Government, Monarchical, Common Sense, Democratic Republic

참고 자료

Allen, Ronald J. "Common Sense, Rationality, and the Legal Process." Cardozo L. Rev. 22 (2000): 1417.
Everton, Michael. "" The would-be-author and the real bookseller": Thomas Paine and eighteenth-century printing ethics." Early American Literature 40.1 (2005): 79-110.
Hoffman, David C. "Paine and prejudice: Rhetorical leadership through perceptual framing in common sense." Rhetoric & Public Affairs 9.3 (2006): 373-410.
Paine, Thomas. Rights of Man, Common Sense, and other political writings. Oxford University Press, 2008.
Paine, Thomas. Thomas Paine. Major Works: Common Sense/The American Crisis/The Rights Of Man/The Age Of Reason/Agrarian Justice. Lulu. com, 2017.
Vickers, Vikki. My Pen and My Soul Have Ever Gone Together: Thomas Paine and the American Revolution. Routledge, 2008.
This Day In History., (27th July 2019). Thomas Paine publishes Common Sense. Retrieved from https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/thomas-paine-publishes-common-sense
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