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코로나 19가 한국 경제에 미친 영향과 해결책 보고서

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"코로나 19가 한국 경제에 미친 영향과 해결책 보고서"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Economy of South Korea and the COVID-19
2. Economic policy of South Korea that is already taken
3. Complementary economic policies: Why should fiscal policy be used?
4. Government spending on a medical research programme
1) Export opportunities -government spending on a medical research programme
2) The multiplier effect -government spending on a medical research programme
5. Another complementary expansionary fiscal policy
6. The crowding-out effect is the problem
7. How


Country A, the OECD country to be covered in this report, is South Korea.
The notable characteristics of South Korean economy are as follows:
- Korea's economic structure is highly dependent on exports.
- Korea's government budget deficithas been increasingdue to the government spending, including welfare policies, and the situation has become more fatal due to financial support that the government provided to individuals and corporationsto the COVID-19 crisis.
South Korea and the COVID-19

Economic crisis of South Korea after the COVID-19
crisis is predominantly caused by a decrease in aggregate demand. Especially, adecrease in
consumer spendingand exportshad the most significant impacts on the decreased AD, when
considering data of the components of the aggregate demand (C, I, G, XM).

참고 자료

Figure 1: Trading economics, https://tradingeconomics.com/south-korea/consumer-spending
Figure 2: Trading economics,https://tradingeconomics.com/south-korea/interest-rate
Figure 3: Naver blog, https://m.blog.naver.com/moraeb/221920982398
Figure 5: Trading economics, https://tradingeconomics.com/south-korea/exports
World bank data of South Korea’s exports of goods and services (% of gdp )
Sources of materials used
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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