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미국대학원_과제_자율자동차 IoT 적용사례 연구조사_Columbia Univ_IoT in Autonomous Car Industry

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"미국대학원_과제_자율자동차 IoT 적용사례 연구조사_Columbia Univ_IoT in Autonomous Car Industry"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. The Origin of IoT in Autonomous Vehicle Industry
2. Challenge and Risk
3. The Current State of the Autonomous Vehicles Industry
4. Expected Future State
5. Business Rationale and Expected Economic Benefits



The origin of IoT usage within vehicle industry date back in early 1958, where the idea of the self-driving car became prominent (Ninan, Simon, et al). It was not until 1995 during the embedded era that different auto companies started exploring the connectivity aspect of the car and the roads, for instance, GM OnStar. But the idea was never implemented because of its capital-intensive involvement, lack of competition and use cases at the time. The first experience of true IoT was seen during infotainment era which ranges from 2007 to 2012 (refer to figure 1 below). During this era, the car technology such as Ford Sync and GM Mylink took advantage of wireless connectivity aspect which was enabled by the wireless IoT technology. It was at this time the IoT usage in connecting autonomous car through smart cities and different car networks became prevalent. The image below highlights the key eras where the IoT experienced an exponential growth until today.

참고 자료

Ninan, Simon, et al. “Who Owns the Road? The IoT-Connected Car of Today-and Tomorrow.” Deloitte United States, (Aug.18, 2015). Retrieved from https://www2.deloitte.com/insights/us/en/focus/internet-of-things/iot-in-automotive-industry.html
Lekach, Sasha, 5 semi-autonomous cars took a road test and barely passed, (Aug. 9, 2018). Retrieved from https://mashable.com/article/iihs-road-test-semi-autonomous-driver-assistance/#HZmhEi2BRkqw
Self-driving Cars: The technology, risks and possibilities, (Aug. 28, 2017). Retrieved from http://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2017/self-driving-cars-technology-risks-possibilities/
The 6 Challenges of Autonomous Vehicles and How to Overcome Them.(Mar.8, 2017). Retrieved from http://www.govtech.com/fs/the-6-challenges-of-autonomous-vehicles-and-how-to-overcome-them.html
Silver, David, Four Companies Selling Self-Driving Car Platforms Today, And One Coming, (Aug. 22, 2018). Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidsilver/2018/08/22/four-companies-selling-self-driving-car-platforms-today-and-one-coming/#c61393e187fa
PAT Research, TOP 13 AUTONOMOUS CARS OR SELF DRIVING CARS COMPANIES. Retrieved from https://www.predictiveanalyticstoday.com/top-companies-autonomous-cars-self-driving-car/
Welch, David, Who’s Winning the Self-Driving Car Race? (May 7, 2018). Retrieved from https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2018-05-07/who-s-winning-the-self-driving-car-race
RESEARCH BRIEFS, 46 Corporations Working On Autonomous Vehicles. (Sep. 4, 2018). Retrieved from https://www.cbinsights.com/research/autonomous-driverless-vehicles-corporations-list/
NAVIGANT RESEARCH. Navigant Research Leaderboard: Automated Driving Vehicles, (2018). Retrieved from https://www.navigantresearch.com/reports/navigant-research-leaderboard-automated-driving-vehicles
Jabil, 7 Connected Car Trends Fueling the Future, (Mar.7,2018). Retrieved from https://medium.com/iotforall/7-connected-car-trends-fueling-the-future-946b05325531
Simon Ninan, Bharath Gangula, Matthias von Alten, Brenna Sniderman, Who owns the road? The IoT-connected car of today—and tomorrow. Retrieved from https://www2.deloitte.com/insights/us/en/focus/internet-of-things/iot-in-automotive-industry.html
Kimberly Knickle,Heather Ashton, Jeffrey Hojlo,The IoT Imperative for Discrete Manufacturers: Automotive, Aerospace and Defense, High Tech, and Industrial Machinery, (May 2017). Retrieved from https://www.writeraccess.com/upload/Ud8rTtrSYfifsRb1wxDDS12p.pdf
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