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미국대학원_과제_IoT 농업 적용사례 연구조사_Columbia Univ_IoT in Agriculture

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"미국대학원_과제_IoT 농업 적용사례 연구조사_Columbia Univ_IoT in Agriculture"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
a. General Description
i. Current Business Model
ii. Project Proposal and Justification
b. Business Objectives and Scope.
i. Increase Management Efficiency
ii. Increase Revenue
iii. Reduce Costs
c. General Assumptions and Success Criteria

2. Product Characteristics
a. Analytics Objective
i. Increase Revenue
ii. Asset Management
iii. Operational Efficiency
b. Analytics Characteristics
i. Anomaly detection & Classification
ii. Regression
iii. Descriptive Analysis
iv. About the Data
c. User’s Stories

3. Product Requirements
a. Sensor Requirements
a. Sensor Requirements
b. Data Requirements
c. Computational Requirements



a. General Description
The rapid development of IoT technology is making it possible to both increase the efficiency and reduce the waste in modern agriculture industry. Each year, farmers lose huge amounts of profit because of animal illnesses and other issues that could be prevented by applying technologies that have been proved to be safe and convenient (Phil 2017).
There have been many smart management ways that farmers could promote better livestock health with the IoT applications. One perspective application of deploying IoT technology in agriculture industry is “smart cow”, which allows farmers to monitor livestock health with multi-types sensors and data-driven decision making (Mary 2018).

i. Current Business Model
Now more farmers start to raise the awareness of using IoT technology in their daily work. Most of these IoT-enabled management applications focus on the livestock health (Microsoft 2015).

참고 자료

Using IoT to Increase Efficiency, Productivity for Livestock. (2017, April 19). Retrieved from https://www.precisionag.com/systems-management/using-iot-to-increase-efficiency-productivity-for-livestock/
Munniksma, L. (2016, February 09). About Cattle Farming. Retrieved from https://www.hobbyfarms.com/about-cattle-farming-3/
IoT in Agriculture: 5 Technology Use Cases for Smart Farming (and 4 Challenges to Consider). (2018, June 07). Retrieved from https://easternpeak.com/blog/iot-in-agriculture-5-technology-use-cases-for-smart-farming-and-4-challenges-to-consider/
Data helps the milk flow: Dairy uses IoT to manage the health and productivity of its cows. (2015, October 30). Retrieved from https://blogs.microsoft.com/iot/2015/08/18/data-helps-the-milk-flow-dairy-uses-iot-to-manage-the-health-and-productivity-of-its-cows/
Koeleman, E. (2018, February 22). NB-IoT: The solution for smart dairy farming. Retrieved from https://www.dairyglobal.net/Smart-farming/Articles/2018/2/NB-IoT-The-solution-for-smart-dairy-farming-251670E/
John, K. (2018, September 4). Sensor Applications in Smart Livestock Farming. Retrieved from https://enterpriseiotinsights.com/20180903/channels/fundamentals/sensor-applications-in-smart-livestock-farming
Nimit P. (2015, June 3). Designing Smart Farms: Using Sensors to Improve Management and Productivity on Cattle Farms. Retrieved from https://www.semiconductorstore.com/blog/2015/Designing-Smart-Farms-Using-Sensors-to-Improve-Management-and-Productivity-on-Cattle-Farms/996/
IoT and Livestock: How Internet of Things is Changing Farmers' Lives. (2018, September 11). Retrieved from https://www.letsnurture.com/blog/iot-livestock-internet-things-changing-farmers-lives.html
Reese, H. (n.d.). IoT for cows: 4 ways farmers are collecting and analyzing data from cattle. Retrieved from https://www.techrepublic.com/article/iot-for-cows-4-ways-farmers-are-collecting-and-analyzing-data-from-cattle/
Using IoT to Increase Efficiency, Productivity for Livestock. (2017, April 19). Retrieved from https://www.precisionag.com/systems-management/using-iot-to-increase-efficiency-productivity-for-livestock/
“Moore’s Law.” Moore's Law, www.mooreslaw.org/.
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