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Lyft의 비즈니스 전략 제안 및 활용 사례_Columbia Univ_Business and Strategy Recommendations and Implementations for Lyft

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"Lyft의 비즈니스 전략 제안 및 활용 사례_Columbia Univ_Business and Strategy Recommendations and Implementations for Lyft"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Expansion Into East Asian Market and Partnerships
2. Implementation Plan of Lyft’s Expansion Strategy
3. Acquisition and Deployment in East Asian market
4. Insight Matrix: Lyft vs the Alternatives (x means at the same level)
5. Other forms of Transportation
6. Potential Barriers to Expansion and Acquisition
7. Monitoring the Success Using Analytics
8. Changes Needed for the Strategies
9. References


Currently, Lyft only operates in the United States and Canada.
Uber is the only other prominent ride sharing firm operating in East Asia, US and Canada.
Uber has experienced significant issues in the East Asian market over allegations that Uber knowingly circumvented the law when deploying its platform.
Additionally, Uber has struggled to match the promotions and discounts by smaller, emerging companies such as Grab. Grab is a ride-sharing platform exclusive to the East Asian market, with headquarters in Malaysia.

참고 자료

Lyft redesigned rider app to encourage shared rides https://techcrunch.com/2018/06/07/lyft-redesigns-rider-app-to-encourage-shared-rides/
Lyft's Second-Mover Advantage Pays Off in Canadian Expansion https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-05-08/lyft-s-second-mover-advantage-pays-off-in-canadian-expansion
After getting forced out of South Korea, Uber prepares to fight back https://www.techinasia.com/uber-relaunch-south-korea
South Korea court says Uber violated transport law, latest setback for US firm https://www.cnbc.com/2017/04/26/uber-south-korea-law-court.html
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Lyft의 비즈니스 전략 제안 및 활용 사례_Columbia Univ_Business and Strategy Recommendations and Implementations for Lyft
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