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미국대학 경제학_위조품 경제_Term Paper_Essay_Econ_Counterfeit Goods

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"미국대학 경제학_위조품 경제_Term Paper_Essay_Econ_Counterfeit Goods"에 대한 내용입니다.




Counterfeit goods are produced massively and distributed to almost every country in the universe. These goods are manufactured in many countries, but mostly in Asia, especially China. The unethical producers’ target industries are countless: cell-phones, shoe polish, toothbrushes, pharmaceuticals, speakers, automobiles, TVs, electronic dictionaries and etc. Counterfeit goods cause many problems. They reduce the profits of companies being mimicked, causing less revenue to develop new products. Counterfeiters take advantage of the real companies’ marketing and promotion activities, followed by huge investments, time and effort, and grasp unfair profits. In addition, most counterfeits are hard to distinguish what is real and not real, and low in quality. Therefore, consumers who perceived a counterfeit as the real one, get bad images and thoughts toward the company after using it. Moreover, those consumers make phone calls and send e-mails to the company complaining and reporting defection about the products which the company did not even produce.

참고 자료

http://www.havocscope.com/Counterfeit/china.htm, retrieved in April 1st, 2009
Haider Ali, “Why people buy counterfeit brands”, Feb., 14th, 2008, http://www.open2.net/blogs/money/index.php/2008/02/14/counterfeit_brands?blog=5 , retrieved in March, 31st, 2009
David, Alex Halperin, “Stalking the wild copycats”, Business Week, August, 18th, 2008
January, 7th, 2007, Asahi.com, retrieved in March, 31st, 2009
March, 6th, 2009, http://www.cn-c114.net/578/a392550.html, retrieved in April 1st, 2009
Ji-hae Bum, “Super fakes that look more real than real goods, Sanchai”, Chosun.com, February 28th, 2009, http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2009/02/27/*************.html, retrieved in April 1st, 2009
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