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미국대학 과제_철학_칸트와 흄의 도덕 논쟁_Being Moral, Debate_Who are you with_Hume or Kant

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"미국대학 과제_철학_칸트와 흄의 도덕 논쟁_Being Moral, Debate_Who are you with_Hume or Kant"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
2. (briefly but adequately) Explain the key components of their moral theories
3. Compare and contrast the response for WHY BE MORAL
4. To give an argument as to which reply is more convincing
5. Work Cited



Hume and Kant have different elements of moral theories. In Hume’s theory, the elements are qualities that are useful or agreeable, natural and artificial virtues, and limited role in reasoning. In Kant’s theory, the components are reasoning, autonomy, two formulations for categorical imperative and treating humanity as an end-in-itself. Since both philosophers have different components of moral theories and different perspectives, when asked a question, “why be moral,” the answers are clearly different. For Hume, people should be moral because being virtuous gives us pleasure, and make others like us and be useful to us. Finally, our fellow feelings inside us motivate us to be moral. For Kant, people should.

참고 자료

Gregor, Mary. Immanuel Kant Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. Cambridge University Press, 1998. Print.
Schneewind, J. B. David Hume An Enquiry concerning The Principles Of Morals. Hackett Publishing Company, 1983. Print.
“Kant and Hume on Morality.” plato.standford.edu. 23 Feb 2004. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/kant-hume-morality/#BriOveHumEth/
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미국대학 과제_철학_칸트와 흄의 도덕 논쟁_Being Moral, Debate_Who are you with_Hume or Kant
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