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기업분석 나이키(영문)

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1. Customer Segments
2. Value Propositions
3. Channels
4. Customer Relationships
5. Revenue Streams
6. Key Resources, Activities, and Partners
7. Cost Structure
8. Works Cited
9. Nike, Inc.
10. Value Proposition Canvas
11. Business Model Canvas


Psychographic-Based Approach
Nike has a variety of customers spanning from world star athletes to everyday children. Nike has many customer segments with slightly different needs and problems that their products attempt to solve. They appeal to the middle to upper class households due to the quality of their products and the significance of their brand. Nike manufactures products for individuals with active lifestyles as well as individuals that are looking for stylish comfortable clothing. With a worldrenowned brand and world-class brand marketing, Nike has the unique ability to appeal to a variety of customer segments both foreign and domestic. According to Business Insider, with over $28 billion in annual sales, Nike has begun voraciously pursuing three new customer segments, young athletes, women, and runners; women through a combination of stylish sports bras and athletic equipment have been drawn to the Nike Brand in staggering numbers (Lutz, 2015). Young athletes through Nike’s sponsorship of local leagues (direct) to professional leagues like the NFL (indirect) have been drawn to Nike’ revered brand name. Lastly, runners, a stronghold in the Nike customer base since the company first released its runner’s shoes, has been a strong focus for Nike growing forward given the demand for high-performance footwear.

참고 자료

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Bernazzani, S. (2018, August 6). 13 Examples of Successful Co-Branding Partnerships (And Why They're So Great). Hubspot. Retrieved on April 25, 2019, from: blog.hubspot.com/marketing/best-cobranding-partnerships
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