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[A+ 식품미생물학실험 영문레포트] Control of microbial growth_ physical method (heat)

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7페이지/ 한컴오피스
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[A+ 식품미생물학실험 영문레포트]

A+ 평가 받은 식품미생물학실험 영문 레포트입니다.
영문으로 기본적인 내용을 잘 적어놓았기 때문에 영문레포트 작성에 좋은 참고가 될 수 있습니다.


1. Title
2. Date
3. Purpose
4. Materials and Equipment
5. Method
6. Data
7. Result and Discussion
8. Reference


3. Purpose
① Explain the method of thermal inactivation of microorganisms.
② Determine the D- and Z-values.

< 중 략 >

5. Method
① Test tubes with nine milliliters of TSB inoculated with 106 CFU/ml are put in the circulator water bath (at 57, 60, and 63°C).
② After designated time intervals, surviving bacteria are enumerated by surface plating appropriate dilutions in duplicate onto TSA agar.
③ The bacterial counts is converted to logarithms. D-values (in minutes), as the time required for a 10-fold reduction of viable Escherichia coli O157:H7 cells in the TSB at various temperatures, is obtained from regressions of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 survival curves at each heating temperature.
④ Thermal resistance curves is determined by plotting log D-values as compared with temperature.
⑤ Z-value is determined as the negative reciprocal of the slope of the thermal resistance curves.
⑥ Determine the D- and Z-values.

참고 자료

5 people in addition to Park-Heon-Kook, 2002, Food Microbiology, Moon-Woon-Dang, pp150~154
3 people in addition to Min-Kyeong-Chan, 1996, Food Microbiology, Kwang-Moon-Gak, pp246~259
Wikipedia Encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
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[A+ 식품미생물학실험 영문레포트] Control of microbial growth_ physical method (heat)
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