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[Eng]라트비아 문화 영어에세이 Latvian History, Politics, Language and Economy

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라트비아대학교 교환학생 중 A History of Latvian Culture 수업에 제출했던 영문 에세이입니다. 수업에 제시된 여러 주제 중 "Cultural processes and policy in Latvia after the reestablishing of independence in 1991 (1991년 독립 후 라트비아의 문화, 정치)를 선택해 작성하였습니다.

본 에세이는 라트비아의 소비에트 연방 독립 후 역사, 정치, 언어, 경제 방면에서 일어난 변화들을 간단하게 담고 있습니다. 여러 자료를 참고하였고 참고 문헌은 전부 본문 내에 주석으로 달아 놓았습니다. 아래 참고문헌에 따로 모아두었으니 확인하시면 됩니다.

Latvia’s History, Politics, Language and Economy after independence from the Soviet


Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 본론
1. Latvian modern History (독립 전까지의 라트비아 역사)
2. Language policy and usage (독립 전 소비에트 연방 하의 언어 정책)
3. Politics (독립 후 정치 상황)
4. Economy (독립 후 경제 상황)


Topic 1: Cultural processes and policy in Latvia after the reestablishing of independence in 1991

In this paper, I will try to investigate the modern history and social system after Latvia achieved independence from the Soviet Union. The changes in policies and people’s perception should be interpreted in a context of the continuing history from the past. To consider historical contexts in every aspect of culture, I would like to start with modern history. In addition, the politics, language policy, and economical situation in modern Latvia will follow.

1. Latvian modern History
Historically, The present Latvian territory has been dominated by Germans since 1290, but was incorporated into the territory of the Russian Empire as a result of the Russian and Swedish Wars of 1721.
Latvia has a particularly difficult history in the last century. Immediately after the end of World War I in November 1918, the Latvian government declared Latvia as an independent country for the first time in its history.

참고 자료

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[Eng]라트비아 문화 영어에세이 Latvian History, Politics, Language and Economy
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